5.7 - Coward

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The rustling over the towards the table caught my attention as I saw Jake with the sleeping bag blanket held in the air, talking to Felix.

There was a scowl plastered on the jerk's face as he glared down at Felix who was just laying under one of the makeshift tables in the shack. "Coming out to collect your 'Most Useless Chicken' award?" The boy snarls at Felix, throwing the blanket to the back of the table.

Even Sam looked angry, and I honestly think that I've ever heard him snap like that. "D minus for participation, freak."

"Guys, stop-" I was cut off, when Felix gave me a thankful nod, but dismissed it when he spoke himself.

The boy under the desk seemed to keep it calm and collected, "You seemed to have it under control.

Andy was so disappointed, "You just left."

Everything seemed to stop for a second. My legs felt weak, and they faltered, causing me to take a stumble back towards the pole behind me. Jake happened to catch a glimpse of movement and quickly ready to steady me. However, I caught myself without him.

The look that he gave me showed one of slight concern and confusion, but I just began to feel normal again, so I didn't need him. I nodded at him, telling the boy that I was fine and not to worry.

The nod of my head sufficed as an answer.

Oscar was confused, The boy looks bewildered at the fact that everyone seemed to not notice or even care about his brother, well not that he knows it's his brother, did. "What are you talking about? Felix's magic spell saved us!"

My eyes widened. It worked? He actually did it? Magic actually worked? I guess that's why the voice went away and so did the bees. Oh my god, I magic actually real? I remember seeing Alice practice magic, but I never saw the magic. Doesn't mean I didn't believe it though.

I opened my mouth to say something about this, about the fact that it seems like it actually did work, but Felix...well, we shared a look with each other and it seems that he knew what I was about to say, but silently told me not to.

"Oscar, he hid under the desk." Jake snapped and walked out of the hut, with the boys following in line.

Well, that would be why.

Felix rolled his eyes, "See what I mean? Cretins."

I looked at the goth, "So trying to explain it to them is pointless." That was both statement and fact.

He nodded, "Well, I'm already a freak to them. We don't need them shunning you too."


The two boys and I walked out of the shack, and I didn't even feel like I could look at the other boys. They treated him like absolute crap, and well, if this is going to be how it is from now on, I doubt I'm going to keep calm.

"Presenting..." He holds up the talisman, distracting me from my thoughts, "The Elemental Talisman."

Oscar was confused as he took it into his hands, "Woah," He inspected it more, "It doesn't feel any different."

The younger boy passed it on to me. Holding it in my hands, I felt it...weird. It's like a wave of energy washed over me, the same type I felt in the shack when the bees disappeared.

"Trust me." Felix looked at my face, I think realizing that I felt something. "This is real magic."

I nodded at the boy, "Yeah, there's definitely something here."

"You know, you guys should come over more often." Oscar smiles at his older brother, "Both of you."

Felix lit up in pure joy, "Really?

"Yeah." He nodded, "I think we make a good team."

I smiled at Oscar, "Thank you."

"So do I." Felix agrees.


We walked Oscar home and then had to walk back to our shack. Felix and I were just making small talk with one another before something came to mind.

"So the other elements were the other boys?" I confirmed with him, "Because they came from our world right?"

Felix nodded, "Yeah, it seemed to work like that. It was the only thing that made sense."

Well, that was what I thought here was one thing that kept me wondering, "What about me?"

He stopped for a second, "What do you mean?"

"Did I help with the spell at all? Am I an element?"

The boy thought for a second, pausing as we walked to think over his answer, "I don't know."

I felt myself sigh, "Great, so looks like I'm useless."

They seemed scrambled, and I guess felt bad? "No, I- I mean,"

I smiled at him, "I'm just kidding bro. Chill." A small laugh escaped my lips to calm the boy down. I felt something when we did that spell, but maybe Pheobe can work it out.

Or maybe even Felix.

"Oh, ok."

I looked at the boy once more, remembering that I needed to tell him something, "I keep hearing voices."

"What a statement," he smirks as we continue walking through the dark, "Should I check you into the nearest mental institute."

I rolled my eyes, "Ha-ha, very funny." I turn to him, with a small smile on my face before dropping it, "I'm serious. During the whole bee thing something was whispering to me."

Felix blinked, "Ok, maybe not so crazy. What were the voices saying?"

Thinking back to it, I don't really remember? "It was something about me, they used my name."

The boy tried to urge me to go on, "Anything else?"

"I think it wanted me." I looked off into the distance, trying to remember exactly what it said. "Why can't I remember? It was so clear when it happened..."

He thought for a moment, "We dispelled the bees, and the just vanished without a trace. Maybe the voice did too. So it is magical."

I nodded. It did make sense. Let's just hope that we can figure it out.

Because honestly, I don't think that it wanted anything good.

Out of the Woods - (Nowhere Boys Fanfiction) - Jake x OcWhere stories live. Discover now