4.2 Arcane Lane

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"It's like a spirit force or something." Félix muttered, looking around at the scene. He looked right at me, almost as if expecting me to agree.

I wanted to, because I could tell that something wasn't right. But was that the answer that I thought it was really true?

Magic was a big part of my life growing up, so does that mean that it's back?

"Felix, your brain's been fried by all that heavy metal." Jake rolls his eyes at the goth, "These are trail bike markings, obviously."

Félix looked at me again. But all I could do is shrug. I want to believe him, I really do, but I didn't see this storm that happened...only the aftermath.

The goth sighed. "Not everything in this world has an easy explanation."

Andy perked up at his statement. "Show me anything, I'll explain it to you."

"What about us? What's happening to us?" I asked, tried of this bickering.

Andy looked at me somewhat sadly. "I'm working on that. But I'll find an answer."

Sam stormed off, throwing the sticks in his hand at the ground, "I hate this!"

Andy just continued on, "My advice is to lay a system of traps and alerts."

Walking past Andy, Felix rolls his eyes. "Do whatever you want, Bear Grylls. I'm gonna find out what this means."

I'm kinda with Félix on this one, we're not gonna accomplish anything by sitting around and looking at this mess.

"Was that supposed to be an insult? I love Bear Grylls." Andy calls out to Félix.

I run up beside Félix, "Are you going to Arcane Lane?" I ask him and he turns to me with a small bit of surprise.

"You know Arcane Lane?" He asked and I smirk.

"Of course I do. I was really into magic as a kid."

He nodded, "As every other young girl who believed in fairies did.

His statement took me back for a moment, "Did Ellen tell you that?"

Felix smirked at me, "Yeah she did mention that you loved magic when you were younger. And that you'd dress up as a fairy and play in the garden." The look on his face made it seem like he was being playful, in a teasing way. But that disappeared quite quickly. "Do you think that this could be magical?"


"FÉLIX!" Sam called out, running after us with his skateboard in hand.

Félix turned around, watching as sam began to catch up to us. An idea popped into his head as I waited for Sam. Félix just kept moving though.

We began to walk fast, trying to Catch up to him. "Why are you in such a hurry?" Sam asks but gets no response back, "You're starting to freak me out, Felix."

"There's something going on here." He huffed and turned to Sam snapping his book shut.

"And? What are we gonna do about it?" Sam asked by Felix seemed to be in a daze. "Felix?"

Felix took off, hinting at us to follow him, "Follow me."


He took us through the town hardly answering any quiesttions Sam and I threw at him. It's like he completely tunrned off. Maybe it was because same was here? I couldn't really be too sure.

"Where are we going?" Sam calls out, running up the stairs after Felix.

The sign at the bottom of the staircase caught my eye. I knew where we were going, "Arcane Lane." I whispered.

Is he going to ask Phoebe for help? Will she remember me? Actually would she? No body else does....

"I hope it's still here." Felix says, turning the corner and going into the shop.

I followed in after Felix and Sam and I saw Phoebe standing there giving us all really confused and annoyed looks. Instantly, she came out with, "We don't have any vampire books."

She still sounds like the same Phoebe. Does this universe still have Alice missing?

"I don't want vampire books." Felix snapped back, and went straight for the back corner, where all the books are.

Phoebe rolls her eyes, "My mistake."

It's still the same Phoebe. We locked eyes for a moment, and something told me that she vaguely remembered something, but it was almost disbelief. But...no one remembers us, so why would she?

She turned away from me, watching the other two boys where were whispering. "Dude, she was that creepy woman from the forest." He indicates to Phoebe, "Before we got lost, I saw her."

Actually, it was odd that Phoebe was there. I just thought she was collecting magic ingredients or something. You know, typical spell stuff.

"And what was she doing?" Felix asked curiously, in a hushed whisper.

I chimed in, "She was watching us."

We all looked back at her, as she was giving us the side eye. "She keeps all the real magic stuff hidden away." Felix pointed to the shelf of kids magic books. "Um, you used to have a book back there. Tapestry. Hand-bound. Pretty old."

Phoebe looked at him suspiciously, "How do you know?"

"Any chance I could look at it?"

Phoebe glared, "No chance. That's not kids' stuff."

That book sounded so familiar, maybe it was something of Alice's?

"I know, the sealed section, right?" Felix rolled his eyes before he was mocked by Phoebe

"Yes, 'the sealed section'."

I watched as Felix's eyes lit up, before turning to Sam, "Sam," He asked taking the book from the boys hands, "I need a favour."

Well this could get interesting

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