2.2 Surely Someone Remembers?

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Why the hell was Bates in my house?? Why did Mrs Walker not remember me!?

Two tears slid down my cheeks as I stalked back to the city.

I need to find one of the guys. They still know me, maybe they can help? Right?

I go to the closes house I know. Which just so happens to be Jake's. I took off into a run, sprinting down the streets, not bothering to look at the people who I sped past.

This was me during primary school. A long distance sprinter. I can sprint around 400 metres before I need to slow down. But if you tell me to go for a 1 km jog, I'll be out of breath in the first 30 seconds. I don't function well at low speeds.

I made it to his street, I don't even know what it was called. I just kinda know where it is. I kept running till I hit his driveway, then calmly walked up to the door.

Three good knocks later and someone approached the door, but it was definitely not Jake nor Sarah.

I was overwhelmed, and had to take a step back as I looked up at the guy. He was big, and honestly quite terrifying. He had a long peppered beard and looked like a biker. "Hi..." I trailed off, still startled.

He arched an eyebrow "Hello? How may I help you?"

"I'm terribly sorry, I must have mistaken this for my friends house. Do you know anyone by the name of Jake and Sarah Riles?"

He folded his arms, shaking his head, "not a clue."

"Sorry about that," I said nervously, "Thank you for your time." I said rather quickly and began to run down the street once again, back to town.

As I ran I was crying, and it was probably very easy to tell. I would just my eyes to stop the wind from stinging them, making them cold. It kinda fuelled me on, helping me to keep going until I found one of those boys.

Or until they found me.

"Allie! Wait!" Shouts from in front of me, and I barely opened my eyes in time to see that someone was in front of me.

Two solid hands gripped my bicep, holding me up right.

Staring straight down at me was Jake. "What's wrong with you." His face looked almost disgusted, seeing me like this.

"I think it's happened to her too." Sam says, looking at my tear stained face.

I don't care about this war Jake and I were having, I just needed a hug, and guess who was right in front of me.

He was taken back by it. He didn't really return it, but I honestly didn't car. My hands were clenched around the fabric of the jumper.

It was over almost as quickly as it begun, and I pulled away, wiping the rest of my tears with my sleeve.

"Great, now my shirt is wet." I heard him mumble under his breath.

"What happened to you Allie? Is everything alright at home?"

I shook me head, "no," my shaky voice said, "it's not. I-i went home, and my family wasn't there. And then I asked my neighbour and she didn't remember me."

"Neither did my parents." Sam pointed out

"Same with my Nai Nai and sister. It's like they're delusional." Andy says, and I notice the absence of our dark lord.

"Where's Felix?" I ask,

"That's where we're going next. If he's in the same position as us. Then we get to the bottom of it." Andy replies,

I sniff and wipe away my last few tears. "Alright," I take a deep breath trying to compose myself, "Anyone know where to find him?"

Sam smirked, "probably sleeping in a coffin somewhere."

"I know where he lives." We all turn to Jake in surprise as those words left his mouth.

"Seriously?" Sam questions, and I want to know why too.

"What?" He raises an eyebrow at us, "We used to egg his house after a footie win. It's good luck!" He defends himself.

I roll my eyes and sigh. "Seriously! What about his poor Mum?"

"Hey, I ain't taking any risks when it comes to my footy." He glares at me before grabbing this tiny bike which was leaning on the bench near by and began to push it down the street.

"Let's go," Andy ushers, keen to go to Felix's house.

It was so weird you know, being in a place that I've grown up in, that I'm so familiar with, but yet, everything is wrong.

No one seems to remember us, and hell, Bates is living in my god damn house!! Something is really wrong here, and I don't think it's scientific.

I did think that this was a prank, but who would pull something off like think? And getting the whole town in on it too? It's just overkill.

I just want this to over, can we please get to the bottom of this?

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