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Harry's POV

I would call it a hint of luck when I saw that dinner included sweet rolls with a sticky dipping sauce on the side as an appetizer. It was hard to explain, but we were going to need all the sweet and sticky things we could get.

"Do you know what the drinks are?" Avery leaned over to whisper to me. I was too caught up in the fact that now five chairs were missing, and the seat I was sitting in used to belong to Ivy. I killed her. Guilt weighed me down like a thousand anchors, and I felt terrible knowing I could still move on and be happy whereas her family was mourning her loss that very moment.


"Oh, sorry." I frowned. That was the third time I had been so lost in my thoughts I barely noticed Avery, or anything around me for that matter. The refreshments tray made its way around the table, and stopped at Jonah's seat for a long time. The drinks were red....

"I think it's wine." I said in a hushed whisper. She nodded and wrote something on her arm, then pulled the sleeve of her shirt back down. I took a look at my own clothes; my Packers hoodie was getting dirty and I'd have to take it off soon. It would just be me and my white t-shirt. Too tight for my taste.

The tray came around to us, and Avery took two wine glasses. I gave her a disapproving scowl but she ignored it, and I only got myself one. Was she really going to drink that much? I wasn't sure.

I finished off one roll and wrapped the others in a napkin, then took a couple containers of the sauce and stuffed it in my large pockets. I caught Avery smirking at me, meaning she knew exactly what I was doing.

The main course was chicken wings and hash browns, and both were my favorite foods. It was hard to pick between the two.

Though, the chicken was covered in teriyaki sauce, which was very messy. I wrapped that in the napkin too.

After dinner, Avery and I carried out napkins and pretended to head down the halls. But when no one was looking, we stopped dead in our tracks.

"Got the wine?" I asked.

She pulled the glass from behind her back.

"What do you think?"

I laughed and snatched it from her, and she didn't dare protest. All she did was flash me a challenging smile.

"You still have gum in your hair." I said, my voice lower. Avery started giggling, but I was being serious. She could get her head stuck to something, couldn't she?

"Here, let me help you get it out."

I set the glass on the floor and leaned in, our faces dangerously close from each other. I could feel her breath on my nose, but I tried to concentrate on getting this gum out of her hair. Whipping a knife out of my pocket, I cut a few strands of her hair out and the gum came with it. But yet still, our faces were too close and neither of us were backing away.

"Is it out yet?" she said, her voice ridiculously quiet. It was almost like she was whispering so no one else could hear us. Maybe she was.

Goosebumps raised on my skin and I could feel them through my two layers of clothes, even though the air conditioning was turned off and I was sweating moments before.

God, I wanted to kiss her.

I don't know what was wrong with me, but I really did. It took everything within me not to just lean in and--

Ugh, shut up Harry. You get treated differently here. Not everyone takes every leaping opportunity they can to kiss you. They want to kill you more than anything.

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