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Avery's POV

Two days later, there were articles about us in the newspaper. People were becoming more and more sure, with each passing day, that Harry was walking the earth just as before.

That wasn't a good thing for either of us.

Harry still wore the same bandana, and the same smile. But everytime we were at a small convenient store and he saw something about 'Havery', his smile faded and he walked away with a stone hard expression. It hurt me. I didn't know if he was denying the fact that we were happy together, finally, or the fact that he was alive.

"I think I'm going to have to come out about this whole thing." Harry finally decided. We were sitting at the dinner table at my house, and at this point the curtains had to be shut-- even during the daytime. These rumors were hurting us, and it was affecting my innocent family too. That was the absolute worst.

"How?" I asked him, even though I really didn't want to know. I was nervous about what would happen to him, and to us, when everyone found out for sure.

"Just walking around." Harry shrugged. He was poking at his food, obviously lacking an appetite. "If fans ask if I faked my death, I'll tell them the truth. It'll get around eventually."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I inquired. It was obvious that I didn't want him to, but I didn't want to be overcontrolling. Harry had the power to decide what he was going to do and what he wasn't, sadly.

He nodded, and I felt my heart pound in my chest. So many things could go wrong; so much could happen because of people finding out. I didn't want to know the worst of it.

"Okay." I said in a low voice, and neither of us spoke up for the rest of the dinner.


That day, we had to go grocery shopping for my mother. It was weird, but with every passing day she was getting too frail for her age and she couldn't even perform everyday tasks. At first I was thinking it was the depression from Spencer's death, but now I saw it was far worse than that. She was ill.

I had told her to go to the hospital, but she refused. That bothered me greatly, because I knew whatever sickness she had wouldn't go away with just a few antibiotics. I was seeing dad less around the house now, and I didn't want to lose my mom too. I don't think I would've been able to survive.

Anyway, Harry and I decided to walk to the nearest grocery since we only needed a handful of things and it was only a few blocks down. The weather was alright, just in between warm and chilly. I liked it that way, because it reminded me that fall was coming.

"Are you scared?" Harry asked me. It struck me that this was the first time he had spoken to me since breakfast, and something about that irked me. I had been feeling distant from him lately.

"No." I said coldly, and we kept walking. I didn't know something as simple as my tone could end our conversation just like that, but it did. Harry didn't say another word after that.

We got inside, and Harry pushed the cart. First he got vegetables, then meats and grains, and then eventually some snacks that would probably be eaten within a couple of days.

"Want some ice cream?" Harry asked me with a small smile. While he was busy grabbing food items, I was warily peering around to make sure that no one noticed who Harry was.

But the idea of ice cream stuck out to me. "Yeah, thanks." I answered, and gave him a quick hug. I felt like he needed it from me; almost an assurance that I wasn't upset with him. "Chocolate?"

Harry chuckled. "That's my favorite flavor." he told, "And I'm on a budget. So expect half of it to be gone by morning." He winked at me, which made me chest feel a certain way that I couldn't describe. I think that's what it felt like when your heart fluttered.

We pushed the cart to checkout, and I had fallen under the impression that no one would notice Harry. That his sunglasses had somewhat hidden his identity; to the point where no one bothered to speak up about his appearance. But then, a teenage girl who was helping her mom bag the groceries let out a high pitched squeal, and I knew it was over.

"Dammit." I mumbled, low enough so that Harry couldn't hear me. I didn't want him to know how upset I was with people finding out about this. I didn't want him to know that I was scared what the consequences of this whole situation just might be. But it was too late.

"I thought you were dead!" she exclaimed, now separated from her mother and by Harry's side. He sighed and ran his large hand through his hair, as if that would help. The girl picked up a nearby magazine and held it up next to his face.

It was an article on Harry's death, with a picture of him in sunglasses right on the front.

The girl ripped Harry's glasses off, and I could tell he was shocked with her actions. But he didn't move, because she just gasped and let out another scream.

"I'm telling daddy!" she obnoxiously yelled. Her words should've sounded like a snobby rich girl, but instead her pitch of voice made it sound like she was a five year old girl; as if she didn't act like one.

I was confused at what this meant at first, but then I realized. This girl's father was probably a worker for the paparazzi, magazine business-- something of the sort. And this was what Harry was wanting.

I watched the girl closely, but nothing else happened. She didn't say a word to her mother, and before I knew it they strutted out of the store both. I didn't even need to talk to her mom to know what her type was.

Yet Harry still took things from the cart and scanned them, putting them in bags. When I faced him he was already paying.

"Harry!" I hissed in a low voice, so no one else would hear. "I can't believe you!"

"This was my choice." Harry said, with a normal volume. I wanted to tell him to be quieter, but I knew his reaction would only grow worse. "I want everyone to know before the lie gets too out of hand. I know what I'm doing."

I was speechless. I didn't even speak up again after that, and followed Harry out of the store.

He grabbed all the bags and carried them the whole way home. We still didn't talk.

When we got home, Harry put all the groceries away without my help. We still didn't talk.

The rest of the day, Harry spent his time sealed in the spare bathroom with his phone. We still didn't talk.

Even though my words had built an invisible wall between the two of us that seemed somewhat inseparable, his previous words had come into effect. He was completely and 100% right.

Things were about to change, and that was just the start.

• • • •

sorry for not updating :(

i just haven't been feeling the writing vibe lately and honestly im ready for this story to be over. but stay don't go ok there'll be a plot twist very very soon and the end is coming thank god

does anyone watch/watched lost? sawyer is hot idk why I think that

why am I talking about a show


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