Ch.1: Friendship Transends the Grave.

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Katsuki Bakugo, was a 3rd-year student at UA. All his classmates knew that despite his aggression, the boy didn't actually hate anything. He disliked quite a few people, and was annoyed by things like losing or being compared. But hate was too strong of a word. Yes despite his probable disagreement with his "friends" about his ability to hate, they knew they were correct. Well except for one thing, the person he had deemed Deku so long ago, had recently reached a new level of disdain in his eyes. Bakugo had disliked Deku for a long time, he may have even hated him once before. But this time went beyond the little rivalry. The boy who was seen as useless in his eyes had won the third years Sports Festival. Their last festival, and Deku took it away from him. He was beyond pissed, and even though about a month had passed, he hadn't gotten over it. Anyone with eyes to see could tell their relationship had finally reached a point of one-sided hatred. Because Bakugo, who had tormented Deku for so many years, hadn't even looked at the green-haired boy for a whole month. He had completely written him out of his life.

"Oi, Racoon Eyes" Bakugo yelled.

"What?" Mina yelled back with fury, despite a smile still gracing her lips.

"Trade seats with me. Now." The blond ordered

It took the girl a moment to process what she had just been told. Snapping out of her shock, Mina gave him a sad but understanding look and then simply nodded and went to sit in the seat in front of Midoriya.

"Hi Midori-kun", Mina said to the green-haired boy sitting behind her.

"Ashido-chan, Kacchan switched with you to get away from me, huh?" the curly-haired boy asked.

"Yeah, sorry, he's just taking his big 4th place pretty hard. The pink girl responded with a smile that was laced with pity.

"I know but, he still at least threatens Todoroki-kun, Iida-kun and Shinso-kun. Honestly, I'm worried about him. He's normally so focused on making me feel worthless. It's strange to see him so passive. And I know he hasn't been the same for a long time now, but this is still strange" said Izuku in response.

Of course Bakugou heard this, which brought him to a new level of anger. He took a deep breath, cleared his mind, then snapped his pen in half anyway. He was done, that worthless little nerd, was worried about HIM.

"I'll fix that attitude of his, fucking Deku. Come next week everyone will know his secret. That he is nothing more than a Quirkless wannabe, playing hero." Bakugo thought to himself.

The day passed, and everyone else was hanging out in groups. But Bakugo went to his room to sleep for the night. It was only around 8:30 pm when sleep finally decided to welcome the boy into its grasp. Blood filled his dreams just like it had for that past 6 months, after all it had been that long since he had lost his best friend.

"Bakubro" a voice whispered.

Then again "dude" the voice called.

"Hey, get your ass up Katsuki," the voice yelled waking the boy.

"WHAT THE FUCKING HELL SHI-" the blond started, springing up to sit in his bed, then he immediately stopped. No one was in his room, and especially not his Shitty Hair, Eijiro had been dead now for...

"Finally you get up, I've been yelling your name for like 20 minutes. It sucks that I can't jump on top of you to scare you awake anymore." the voice interrupted. Slowly the ghostly body of a 16-year-old boy appeared before the groggy Bakugo. The boy was muscular and had spiky red hair, see-through hair? No, no, all of him was see-through, but his almost clearness didn't change the fact that he was Kirishima. He was Bakugo's very dead best friend. His very very dead friend, his DEAD friend so....

"HOW THE HELL ARE YOU HERE" Bakugo said with anger and a little pain in his voice. Then it hit him, he wasn't awake, this was just another nightmare, just another reminder of that day. His subconscious was pretty creative this time, normally his dreams took him to the night that Kirishma bled out in his arms. But this seeing him talking and walking, er floating? That was new.

"I come to visit you from the great beyond and that's how you greet me? And here I was thinking we were bros". Said Kirishima, fake pain in his voice.

"Well you can just fucking leave then" the ash-blond boy said hastily flopping back into the covers.

"Hey dude, wait. You can't just kick me out. I came all this way to tell you something important" the ghost boy said, throwing his arms into the air, which caused him to float a little higher. "I mean I died, I didn't need to visit you- HEY!"

Suddenly Bakugo jumped at the ghost of his friend, quirk going crazy in his hands, ready to explode his stupid face. But he passed right through (duh).

"Pft" slipped from Kirishima's mouth as his friend hit his face into the wall causing a thud that, if it wasn't for ghost visits stopping time, would have totally woken up the boy sleeping next door.

"That fucking hurt, guess I'm not dreaming. But there is no way this is fucking real, I know that much. So I guess my brain has finally broken. I'm seeing things now" cried the living boy.

"You're not crazy Bakugo, well I mean at this point you're getting close. I'm concerned about you." confessed the bottle red boy.

"You're concerned about me? YOU'RE ACTUALLY DEAD!!"

"Yeah, and I took time out of my busy afterlife to tell you that you aren't on a very heroic path."

"What the fuck do you mean by that, I'm going to be the greatist hero, especially after I remove some of the comptition."

"See, bro, that's what I'm talking about, you can't ruin Midoriya-kun's life like that. It's not just a dick move, it's borderline evil. I mean that's total villain behavior! Don't ruin your life, and your after life over something so petty." Kirishima said with crushing sadness, pain, and fear laced into his deep voice.

"You died, you, you, YOU LEFT ME, NOW YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST SHOW UP AND TELL ME WHAT TO DO? YOU AREN'T EVEN REAL, IF YOU WERE REALLY MY EIJIRO YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M GOING THROUGH! I, I miss him. I should have been able save him, but I was weak, I'm still too weak. That's why I need to do this, so I can be strong again."

"Shut the hell up. I died saving you, and even though mine stopped, I would still do it again in a heartbeat. But you're right you are weak,.."


"NO, you're weak minded, you are going to cause your own downfall," the moment he said 'downfall' the ghost boy's eyes lit up and he rose higher into the air. Then gastly chains shot out from his open palms, rushing towards Bakugo the chains wrapped around his limbs climbing over and around his body like hungry snakes, the chains tightened around his wrists and ankles, and looped around his neck and waist. The chains connecting the looped parts floated around him, but that didn't make them any less heavy. The weight was unimaginable, and he even struggled to stay standing.

As this happened Kirishima had continued to speak "these are the chains that you have earned in life, the chains of selfishness, if you continue on your current path this will be the reality of your eternity. And if your plans succeed you will earn these in ten fold. I can tell I have no hope of you listening to me, but I refuse to give up on you. Tonight I will send you three spirits. Listen to them, they are your last hope." with that the pointy-toothed boy dissipated, as did the chains and the fog that had previously coated the room during Kirishma's warning. Bakugo was now left alone in his dorm too tired and confused to ponder what had happened. Instead he simply climbed into bed and slept, his mind
wandering back into horrid nightmares.

(So that is the first chapter, as you can see this story is based on the story line of "A Christmas Carol". I had lots of fun making it.
Also, because I an writing this during the Covid-19 Pandemic, it was my main coping mechanism and distraction. Now my mental health is (kinda) riding on the story doing well (heh heh yay), and getting comments and them cute little orange stars. I just wan't to know that people are actually reading, not just clicking and ditching. Also I plan to update every Sunday, so be ready for more next week! Until next time I'm Fairy Fever and I hope you like it!)

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