Chapter 7

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Every time I've asked him where he is driving us, he simply shrugs and a small smile crosses his face. 

"Micheal." He doesn't answer, but I know he is listening. He looks over at me after a minute but I try not to make eye contact.

"Yeah?" He says, still waiting. I want to ask him if he misses me and why he wants me to go to this party with him and how he's really been doing after all that's happened, how he's been able to stay so strong after all these years.

"When does the party start?" Is all I could say. He casually takes out his phone, not taking his eyes off the busy road ahead of us.

"Check my phone, Calum texted me earlier so it should say in our conversation." He says, handing me his phone. I unlock his phone, knowing his password. 2662. I smile at his password and go to messages. His most recent conversations were with Abigail, some kid named Ashton, Calum, and his dad. First, I click on Calum's like he told me too. 

Calum: Hey Mike, you going to the party right?

Micheal: Yeah, when does it start?

Calum: Like 8.

I glance up at the clock and it's 6:42. I didn't know that the party started so late.

"It starts at 8." I tell him and he just smiles again.

"Text Calum and tell him we're going to be late." I roll my eyes but do as he says. Before returning his phone, I click on messages with Abigail Breslin.

Michael: Anna has a blue Dodge Durango 08, right?

Abigail: Yeah, I think. Why?

Michael: She's like parked outside my house right now, isn't that weird?

Abigail: Ew wtf why? Don't let her in. Send the dog out there to mess her up.

Michael: I think something might be wrong with her, she's just sitting there.

Abigail: I'll call you.

10 minutes later

Michael: She just left but I'm going to go find her, I think something might be wrong, why was she just staring at my house?

Abigail: Oh god, Mikey. Be careful, she's like crazy.

I roll my eyes. I'm not crazy. 

Michael: I found her, she was sitting at the park by herself, she just came up to my car.

Abigail: Where are you guys now??

Michael: I'm bringing her to the party, but right now we're headed back to my house, I think I'll take her out for dinner or something, is that okay?

Michael: I'm just going to make sure she's alright, babe. I promise, nothing will happen. Just lay off her at the party, alright? I don't want to cause any trouble.

Abigail: Michael, you're fucking insane. I don't want you two going out together, you dumped her flat ass and now what?

Michael: Hey, I can make my own decisions. You just have to trust me, nothing will happen. I caused her enough trouble already, I actually put her in a fucking depression clinic, just let me handle this. If you can't trust me enough to know that I'm not going to do anything than I seriously need to think this whole thing over.

Abigail: Fine, I trust you. Just don't do anything stupid.

Michael: Okay, we just pulled out of the driveway, I have to go now, we're driving.

Abigail: Bye I love you.

"Anna?" I hear him say from the driver's seat. "What are you doing on my phone?" 

"Um nothing, it's off." I say, handing it back to him, I closed out of the messages app and turned it off. "I was just looking at your lock screen." An uneasy laugh escapes my mouth. He nods and takes it away from me.

"We're almost there." He notifies me.

"Why can't you tell me where it is?"

"It's nowhere special." He laughs and pulls into a parking lot. "Do you know yet?" I look out the window, trying to figure it out.

"Are we in Putnam?" I ask, confused. He nods with excitement. "Are we going to Someplace Special?" I practically yell.

"Of course we are!" He replies as he runs around the car to open the door for me. He slams open the door and waits for me to get out with a big smile. I laugh and he grabs my arm when I trip on a small step. I look up at him and laugh and he casually lets me go. I walk up the stairs in amazement. 

"I haven't been here since I was a kid." I tell him quietly. Someplace Special is a restaurant in Putnam, Connecticut. It's not too fancy but I love it, my dad always used to bring me here. "How did you know?"

"You've told me before."

"Michael, we haven't spoken in like over a year. You remembered?" I am surprised, I didn't know he payed that much attention to me. 

"Of course I did." The corners of his lips rose slowly. We took a seat at the outside picnic table and I couldn't stop smiling. This is exactly what I want. I want to be surprised by Michael all the time, I hope he is feeling the same as me. The butterflies dance around happily in my stomach, I shouldn't still get butterflies with him because I've known him for a long time, but somehow he managed to bring them all back.

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