Chapter 9

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At the end of dinner, Michael forced me to let him pay because he claimed he owed it to me. I told him over and over again that he doesn't owe anything to me and he shouldn't feel bad for everything that happened, he isn't completely at fault. I don't blame him and he shouldn't blame himself, but God knows that's all my family does. I check my phone and see that I have two unread text messages, both anonymously. 

"On a date with Michael Clifford, huh?" The other text message was a picture of me and Michael from dinner when we were looking at each other and sharing a pizza. "Can't wait till Abigail Breslin sees this and finds out her beloved boyfriend is cheating on her with some skank like you."

I text back this bitch as fast as I can, with angry fingers. "Go ahead, show Abigail that picture. She knows Michael took me out to dinner. It's not a big deal, she's already knows and Michael is very loyal to her."  I sigh and we hit a bump in the road, scaring me and I look up from my phone.

"Did you like the pizza?" He asks, he must be completely oblivious if he think I didn't like it.

"Of course I did." I receive another text from the same blocked number and it's another picture from dinner when we stood up and he put his arm around me and was smiling down at me. The caption to the picture read "Do you think Abigail will like this picture?" I feel kind of guilty, I don't want to make Abigail jealous or be mad at Michael for any reason because he really loves her. I really want to yell at whoever this is but their number is blocked. I text back: "Who the hell is this and why do you care so much about me?"

"Michael, how does Abigail feel about us having dinner together and hanging out?" He hesitates for a few minutes, staring off into the road ahead of him. 

"She knows that I took you out. I told her. But I don't really care what she thinks about it, I mean I've missed you, Anna. We were due to hang out and she shouldn't have control over who I see or not. I'm able to make my own decisions, I've been doing it for a while now. You shouldn't have to worry about what she thinks of you. Why do you ask?"

"Well ever since I came back in town, someone's been texting me from a blocked number so I can't see the number..."

"What are they saying, Anna?"

"Well like today, they followed us on our date and-"

"What? Was that a date to you? Anna, I don't want to give you the wrong impression or anything..."

"No, I didn't mean that, I shouldn't have put it that way...I mean our dinner."

"Oh, okay. So go on."

"So this anonymous person followed us on our dinner and they took a picture of us..."

"What?" He asks in confusion.

"Remember when we were talking to my friend, Hazel and you put your arm around me? Well this person took a picture of us and is going to show it to Abigail and they're going to   tell her that you're cheating on her or something."

"What?" He slams on the breaks, we are in the middle of a somewhat busy road leading to Calum's road. "That's messed up. Is that the best they can do? Take a picture of two friends standing close together?"

"Well, that is all that picture means to us...but it could mean something else to your girlfriend."

"Who gives a shit? If she cares, she can take it up with me. She can ask me about it. It's fine, Anna. Please don't worry about this." He pulls over on the side of the road.

"Let's just go to Calum's." I say, a little too abruptly.

"No, wait. So you say this person follows you around everywhere you go?"

"Yeah, basically. They always know what I'm doing."

"They follow you around everywhere you go and the best they can do is get some cheesy picture of us standing close together?" He shouts. He slams his hands on the stairing wheel, he's kind of scaring me.

"I guess." I say, quietly.

"Let's give them something to talk about. Something to show Abigail that'll really make her mad then." He turns his head very quickly towards me and stares into my eyes.

"Michael, what are you talking about?"

"Kiss me." I don't move at all, stuck in place and he frowns. "God dammit, Anna, kiss me!" He leans over the seat and our lips smash together and move in sync. I can feel his mouth curve up in a smile against my mouth and I start to smile too. He begins laughing hysterically and leans his forehead against mine but our lips are no longer touching. We both start laughing wicked hard and once we calm down, we look dead into each others eyes. 

"Oh my, God. I can't believe I just did that." He leans away from me and looks straight forawd. "I don't know what the hell just got into me..." It remains silent for a few minutes. He turns his head and his eyes widen. "I don't love Abigail." He admits, mostly to himself. I nod.

"I could tell, Michael."

"I have to tell her that, don't I?" I nod hesitantly and he looks forawd again. It stays absolutely silent except for the soft music coming from the radio.

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