Chapter 10

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"Hey Mikey!" We hear Calum's voice from afar once we reach his party. It's probably 8:30 but it's almost pitch black. We see everyone sitting on benchs around a campfire. "And Anna! Nice to see you." The tension between me and Michael is thick. I can hear him breathing heavily because he's probably nervous. When I turn to look at him again, he has his arm wrapped around Abigail and he kissed her lightly.

"How was dinner?" She asks, sliding her arm around his waist. I shrug and look to Michael.

"Fine," is all he says and we hide the truth from her. Calum gets up from his seat around the fire and runs to my side and a comforting hug. 

"Hey!" He whispers in my ear before quickly pulling away. I smile and wait for someone else to say something. I feel Abigail's eyes on me as I stare down at the ground. Calum's wearing completely white Jordans and now they're all muddy at the bottom. I roll my eyes to myself until I realize Michael is speaking.

"Yeah, it was so weird." He finishes the end of the story and I have no clue what he said before so I just laugh along with everyone else.

"Anna, where the hell is your jacket?" I hear a familiar voice and turn to see who it is. Hazel Roberts comes running at me with open arms and embraces me in a hug.

"Hazel!" It feels so good to be with her. I haven't seen her since the few times she visited me, which always began and ended with both of us crying.

"How have you been, girl?" She says, quietly, resting her head on my shoulder. 

"I've been okay! I've missed you so much!" I hugged her back as tight as I could before letting go. "You're going to have to fill me in on all that I missed." She nods and grabs my hand to drag me to one of the seats around the fireplace. Before I left Cranston High School, I was really close with Jenna and Hazel but we've all kind of distanced ourselves from each other after everything went down.

Hazel told me about the boy, John, that she's into that lives a town over from us. She told me about how Sydney Porter and Cameron Dale had sex and she's a week late on her period. She told me about how Ally and Jess got into a fight over some kid named Ashton Irwin. I tried to keep up with everything that she was saying but all I really wanted to hear about was Michael. Hazel and Michael have always been kinda good friends and maybe he talked to her about how he really felt about me leaving and about Abigail and what he thinks of me.

I nod along at all the stories she has to tell me, waiting to hear mention of Micheal's name. 

"But than Cam was like 'if you're pregnant, I don't want anything to do with it. I'm going to college in less than a year and I am not ready for this responsibility.' So now Sydney doesn't know what to do if she's really pregnant. Like she doesn't think she can take care of a baby on her own." Blah. Blah. Blah. Listening to Hazel's drama stories seem like I'm watching a Teenage Reality TV Show. But it's kind of interesting, like you never know how they are going to end. I laugh to myself.

"Ladies, would you like to join us? We are moving this party into the house." Luke Hemmings says. I look up and realize that us and Luke and Jenna are the only ones remaining outside, everyone must've went in a long time ago. We get up and Hazel hooks her arm into mine. It seems like forever to get to the house but when we do, Michael and Abigail are making out on the couch in front of me. Typical, I think to myself, Michael is such a player. I hate him. He claims he doesn't love Abigail, but he's been saying that since the beginning of their relationship and he always leads me on and then goes and does her. I roll my eyes and try to focus on what Hazel is telling me. I can't let it bother me anymore. I left school to start a new life so that when I started back up, I could be a new person. Maybe he doesn't have to be a part of my life anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2015 ⏰

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