A Shy Bean and An Idiot | Luoca x Andrew | "Prisoner"/Gravekeeper

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"1. 2.. 3... GO!"

A shout of a loud voice yelled for a start.

One of the first contestant started to dig underground while the other was footballing.

Technically it was a race between the Forward and GraveKeeper of who was the fastest. Running or digging along in the made up racing lanes, two contestants racing against each other and only small crowds cheering them on.

"Victory is totally gonna be mine tonight!"

The GraveKeeper didn't say anything and just kept digging through the burrows of underground. Although he kept digging, he didn't pay attention to footstep sounds and got himself harmed from his back.

"Oh crap! Watch where ya going!"

A raspy but clear voice says and trying to get out of the sudden digging ground dirt. The Gravekeeper shoveled away and came out to help the person who gotten caught by his trail.

"I deeply apologize... I was.. having a race with.. some.. peers I guess you can s-say."

"Then why didn't you say no? I'm sure that they would understand ya know Mister Digging?"

The Gravekeeper sighs and shake his head.

"Not really... especially that modern athlete wouldn't stop bothering me to do so.."

"Ah okay... hey weren't you suppose to race right now?"

The gloomy male tilt his head a bit in confusion then realized that he was very far behind.

"Oh dear! U-um please excuse me!"

He starts to dig and go underground again. But he pops back out to the person he bumped into.

"I forgot.. pl-please don't call me such names. I would prefer if you call me A-Andrew instead..."

Andrew went back to his underground speeding pace and trying to catch up with the taller sportsman. As he continued to dig, he had forgotten to ask the male's name and left off. Andrew took almost close to 10 minutes to catch up with his fellow (peer pressured) opponent. He was trying to get close to victory.


The snapping noise of a ribbon came to be and revealed that.. Andrew did not win at all.


Half but mostly everyone cheered while others were cheering up the digger. Then later on, they all went to go back to normal matches and dailies.

".. What a shame but oh well..."

He mutters softly and walked back to his dorm till.


"Hey watch where you're go-Oh! It's you again!"


The rat-alike person had an excited expression.

"How you doing Mister Underground!"

"Who- oh..."

Andrew realized that he met the same person again.

".... I think I may have corrected you about my name."

The person tilt his head in confusion.

"You did? Ah wait a minute! Is it Erm.. hold on.."

He was thinking while Andrew was just watching him being idiotic.

"Was it.. Andraw?"

"It's Andrew.."

"Oh.... right then! Anyways!"

The shy male was startled by the sudden greeting.

"Names Luca Balsa!"

Luca introduces himself and smiles cheekily.

"Now that we know each other's names.. Whatcha in for? The Manor I mean."

"Oh.. T-That... it's not really none of your concern... w-what about you?"

Andrew's voice was kind of tiny and all Luca heard was just fainted muttering.

"Erm.. can you.. repeat that?"

Andrew was starting to be awkwardly shy and sighs.

"I said t-that it is none of your b-business.. what are you d-doing in the Manor too?"


Andrew looked at Luca as if he was stupid.


Andrew looked away and sighs. Luca was more confused.

"Hah? Wait hold on? What are you sayi-"


He shouted loud enough for Luca to hear but not loud enough for others to hear.

"Ah.. okay sorry then."

Luca chuckles and awkwardly rubs the back of his own head.

"So uuuh Anyways... wanna starting being friends? The last one I befriend is quite a... fellow.."

"Hm? What do you m-mean?"

"Oh! I was actually talking about that weird blind man with a small bird or two I think??"

"You must mean Mr. Clark..."

"Yup! So would you like to join the match with me or hang around?"

Andrew hesitates and glances at the time near. Although, he didn't mind it. He can at least make some alliances during his stay.

"I s-suppose I don't mind..."

Note: Hello! This was a request from my AO3 account. I will be posting in both Wattpad and AO3 also! My AO3 account is named CherryCelly01! Feel free to follow me there if you like. Although I'm kind off and on through there because of posting my stories. That's all! Thank you for reading this! Have a good day or night friends!

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