Why Don't You Resist? | Wu Chang x Joseph Desaulniers

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Through the darkest of nights. It is the most dangerous yet enticing time for those that desire everything. Money, fame, men, women, entertainment, food, knowledge, and power. Technically a deal with devils or jesters all over such plaguing desires. Some in groups or some in loneliness. Some even become a pair. However, in some cases, anything could happen.

Strangers to friends, enemies to lovers, lovers to enemies, friends to rivals, rivals to strangers, and many more.

It's not much that you could see in many stories. Yeah, some fiction is true or false. In this case... or rather, in this story. It is more of a dynamic duo. Romantical terms... if you know what that meant. No not in a deeper physical way. A more strong attachment than physical needs.

This is a story between two sides of the darker groups. One man is a two-faced hitman and the other is just a simple boss of the underground business. Both of their paths cross one another. Perhaps it is more wholesome than the classic division between the two. Might as well count as more love, at first sight, a reader understands well how they develop as most stories made. But let's begin this shall we?


The sounds of daylight activity within the city echo so peacefully. Many can hear the sounds of nature, chattering, animal mewling, and business/marketing booming everywhere. Not a single thing looked so out of place. One could even be in way too much peacefulness, however, even during the day. It can be much more horrible than night than many assume. Especially when it's the least expected and unexpected.

Sounds of running were also made as well.

"Damn assassin! So damn sly!"

A short man of beauty runs, woundedly. He was bleeding from a fatal injury of a bullet to his shoulder.

He took the alleyways and shortcuts to lose and throw off his purser. However, it didn't take long for him to be cornered and at a dead end.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He cursed to the nothingness.

"It seems our game of cat and mouse has come to an end now."

The male turned back to his purser finally caught up.

"Wouldn't you agree Mr.Desaulnier?"

The other man, taller than the other held a silencer in hand the other a long-leathered umbrella.

"You can go and screw yourself Asshole!"

"My~ how fierce for the auctioneer to be this rude."

The tall man kicked the smaller against the wall then pinning him down. Applying the pressure onto the wounded shoulder.


It was painful.

"And quite the interesting prey at it as well."

Before the auctioneer tried to bark back, everything became a blur. Blackness clouded his vision and body.

Let's turn back the time, shall we?


Glorious sounds of games and crowd going quite wild in broad daylight. Cheers to drunken men and women playing various games in high stakes. Some lose or gain everything they hope to ever have. However, some know the secret side of the so-called "glorious" paradise. It was betting the highest or raising the highest of prices. Be it an item, treasure, clothing, heirlooms, or even humans enslave to become obedient. It was also a devil deal-making among various greeds, feasting into the gambling and bidding from the darker side of the game of life. Anything that goes is made and done with. Without the need for justice. After all, it is a paradise in hell for the greed and sinners.

"Now ladies and gentlemen, what shall you offer?"

A voice of charm asks, smiling amusingly. As if the person was waiting for an interesting entertainment or negotiation among all of the greediest bunch.

The minimal crowd of riched nobles whispered and muttered among each other. Lightly debating or quietly bragging about their most prized treasures, while at it, one noble raises their hand and offered their most beloved heirloom for simple pricing, which was 100k betting. Another offered their items and raised higher prices than the first. Soon after, more offered their treasured or valued items. The charming man who announced was now smiling in amusement and thrilled. He loved how the greed are willing to throw away so much and hungry for more on things that were so useless in his eyes. Of course, the man himself knew that all deem as useless could still be a treasure but not the type he was looking for. As much the usual procedures he loved and followed. It was becoming so achingly dull that he didn't mind a little disturbance was needed for his amusement. Watching and hearing more of the crowd bidding their deals away, the auctioneer almost slipped his bored expression and broke his elegant posture. He was about to point to a random bid to get the auction done and over with.

"We shall begin the first offer for this evening. Ladies and Gentlemen! I present the rare golden rose of Guerena"

The auctioneer claps his hands and cues his staff to bring the announced item to arrive. He smiles and waved his hand to present the beautiful single rose in the vase of holiness. Many people were in awe of the small treasure of a lifetime. All began to bid from lower budget to higher reaches of their budgets from their satchels of gold.

"And the bidding shall be-"

"I'd like to offer 1,000,000 million for the rare golden rose."

Everyone and staffs were quite surprised and not surprised that another bidder may or may not have a bid from out/in of budget. Whispers and mixed expressions spread out the quiet large room. The host himself smiled (restraints) and clapped his hands in quite a small glee.

"Do we have anyone else to bid?"

Everyone whispered and muttered one another among themselves.

"Going once!"

Slow silence forming.

"Going twice!"

Silence now follows and becomes very quiet.

"And we have the highest noble in counting, please follow the staff into another room for negotiation."

The host snaps his fingers on cue for the staff to escort him away from the crowd. Once it was cleared, the host continued on the auction.


After many hours later, the man waited silently and patiently. As time goes by eerie peaceful, the sounds of various footsteps leave the building. The strange man listens.

He hears.


He waits...

.... He is at peace...

... Now it was silence...

Right on time, the door opens and reveals the host of the hour, smirking and keeping up such a false personality.

"Apologies for quite a long wait dear guest."

The host smiles and makes way to the empty table seating right across from each other.

"No need to apologize Mister DM."

The man smiles and nods in politeness.

"Much obliged. Now then, shall we begin the negotiation?"

The host smiles mockingly, awaiting the answer.

The man chuckles and smiles eerily.

"We shall."

After many minutes of long silence, the two gave each other the stare-down before the host snaps his fingers for his staff to bring the treasured flower as promised from the bidding reward. The man watches the item being handed to the host carefully. Showing the very treasure of a masterpiece in the center of the current attention between the two and other stiff employees.

{A/N: I am sorry to proceed so long on this and had to do some deep research, so I may or may not be accurate also I'm going to sum up after the "trade".. Actually.. I think you know what happens next. I'll leave the imagination to you, Viewer/Reader. -Celly/EOD}

{AO3 LINK: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24696985/chapters/67109242 }

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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