Repeating Cycle | Aesop Carl x Norton Campbell | Embalmer/Prospecter

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It was always like this. The repeat of their quarrel. They always fight and fight until they were done at the end of the night. It was tiring.. at least for one individual. But oddly.. the same thing again time to time.

The tall man wearing a miner-like clothing and a hat with the candle in the middle of it. His dark brown eyes looked almost dull with boredom but still full of life, matching with his dark and light colored of his hair.

On the other hand was another male. Shorter than the taller man. He wore a Victorian-like outfit with a makeup box with him from all times and a mouth mask to hide his beautiful face that compliments his gray-sliver colored hair.

They both loved each other through thick and thin. They were almost inseparable to everything. Even in this game that both and others were forever eternal to the cursed fate forever and ever. At least.. that's what the smaller male thought.

He had to suffer. Oh of course.. No one knew. His secret that he never dare to say. Even to his lover. Yes that poor poor man had a secret. A secret of guilt that will keep eating him alive and let him suffer for all his life.

"Today is another night..."

The Gray-sliver male thought to himself and gotten up.

The first of his daily routine, was cleaning himself in the bathing room, then facial cleaning to dressing up in his usual proper clothing. He wasn't quite fond with.. anyone but not a certain old miner.

After his daily needs were done, the smaller man comes out of his room then headed to the kitchen. Just to grab a small but quick breakfast before meeting or entering the matches. The first room he headed to was no other than someone who he gave his delusional love.

He knocks.


A somewhat deep voice echoed in the other side as he was now waiting patiently. Then the door opens.

"Hey Aesop."

The taller male smiles a bit sluggishly and allowed the smaller male in.

"Morning Norton."

Aesop's dull voice greets and expression turning into a good mood.

"Aren't you an early bird huh? Right little grim."

Aesop rolled his eyes and chuckles.

"You're one to talk sloth."

"Is that so? Guess that makes me your.."

Norton closes the door and laughs then lightly tackles the gloomed-like male. Which made the other caught of guard.

"Slow.. Sloooooooooow death!"

Norton jokes again.

"Oh come on! Get off of me yo-"

A knock came at the door.

"Aesop? Norton? It's time for the next match! Me, and you two are up! Plus a newcomer as well!"

A motherly-kind of voice says on the other side.

"Okay! Thanks Emily!"

The doctor behind the door leaves and letting the two alone. They had a small long awkward silence then start to laugh a bit.

"Well then... we outta be our way."

Aesop nodded in agreement.

Norton gave a slight thought then smiles mischievously.

"Hey wanna mess with the hun-"


Norton frowns softly but let it slide.

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