Chapter 22

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Aderyn Baines

Chapter 22

All my worst nightmares had been confirmed. I had just fallen for another one of Jason's schemes. The Silo Witch was right to punish him for his actions. After the talk, I was supposed to regroup with Lisa.

I managed to escape the house and get to the barn. Lisa and Jesse were already there alongside a girl I didn't know.

"What's your name?" I asked the girl.

"I have many names but call me Bridget!" she told me enthusiastically.

This girl weirded me out. However, she hugged me and I let her. That's when the barn door creaked open and out stepped Ms. Mary Ann.

"Ms.Mary Ann,you're the Silo Witch?!" I said.

That's when she began bawling.

"I'm sorry-" she began.

That's when I saw my mom storming over the hill. She seemed to be yelling something that was incomprehensible. That's when I realized what she was saying. My mom was saying Honeycutt.

"Why is she saying that?" I asked.

"I'll deal with it," she said.

Ms. Mary Ann approached my mother.

"Hello Agatha." she told my mom.

"Daniella, I should've known it was you," my mother responded.

I racked my brain for information. That's when I put two and two together. Ms. Mary Ann was my mother's bully and Medea's mother. I should have seen the resemblance in that blonde hair. I felt like I was going to detonate when Lisa put her hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay," she said.

"But-" I began.

"We can have her apologize later, right now we need to stop her dad," Lisa told me.

I decided to go after Medea then and there. I was going to break the cycle of pain...

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