25 || Official Plan On Progress

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❝ ᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ - 020115 ; ᴇᴅɪᴛᴇᴅ - 101017 ❞


"Tch, what if this plan doesn't work?" Levi asks.

"Relax, I'm sure it will." Hanji says.

"It better work." He mutters.

"Aww, I've never seen you so nervous before." She chuckles.

"Shut up, I'm not nervous." He states.

"Suuure, you're not." She says, rolling her eyes.

"Whatever. Just tell me when you're finished with it." Levi says, walking out of her office.

"Fine, but you owe me something shorty." She says.

"What is it then?" He replies, walking back in.

"Ahh, you'll know soon." She smirks.

"Tch, idiot." He mutters under his breath.


Your eyes fluttered open to the sound of muffled voices in the background. You fixed your gaze, tilting your head to see everyone else awake and standing beside your bed. You raised an eyebrow at their actions and by the looks on their face, they looked pretty tired.

"Why are you guys staring at me like that?" You ask.

"We've been waking you up for ten minutes straight." Mikasa says.

"Really? It's not like me to be a heavy sleeper." You say, stretching your arms.

"Why is that? You dreaming of a certain Corporal, hmm?" Sasha asks.

"W-what are you t-talking about? Why w-would I?" You say, trying to play it cool.

"You're stuttering." 

"Let's just get to the mess halls, shall we?" You say, standing up and leaving the room.

"Oh, she doesn't know how good this day will turn out for her." They say, smiling as they followed you.

You slammed open the door of the mess halls as every single person looked at you. You continued to walk and grab a tray. As you were walking on the aisle, Jean's table called you over, giving you a small wave.

"Hey, what's up?" You say, setting down your tray beside him.

"The ceiling." He replies.

"Wow, I never knew horses had common sense." You say, smirking.

"Oooh, nice comeback!" Eren says, giving you a high five.

"Whatever." He says, rolling his eyes.

"Just kidding. Sorry, Jean." You say, smiling at him and giving him the puppy eyes.

"Yeah, be thankful I've got a soft spot for you." He murmurs quietly to himself.

"Did you say something?" You ask, unsure.

"No, I was singing." He says, lying.

You shrugged it off and went back to eating breakfast while talking to Eren. And from across the room, steel orbs were staring at your form. He was silently praying Hanji had already come up with a plan and hoping Eren wouldn't blurt out the big secret.


Step One: Prepare the Setting

"Krista, Armin, Sasha, and Bertholdt. I will be needing you for a while." Hanji says, grinning.

"Oh, is this about the-" Krista begins.

"Sshh, yes it is. Come on, we have things to do." Hanji says, leading them somewhere.

"Is there something we will be needing, Squad Leader?" Armin asks as they were walking.

"Let's see... We have everything except for two items." Hanji says, looking at her list.

"What can we do about it?" Sasha asks.

"Bertholdt, I need you to get the first item. Armin, I need you to get the second one." Hanji responds, telling them the necessary objects to obtain.

The two boys gave her a salute as they split up to search for the items. Hanji turned back to the two girls who were with her. 

"As for you two, we have something else to do." She says, as Krista and Sasha nod.

Step Two: Keep Her Company

You were surprised that Commander Erwin had given everyone a day off today, it was very odd. You looked around for your friends, but they seem to be nowhere. Luckily, you spotted Eren as he was walking around.

"Eren!" You called him, he turned around and gave you a smile.

"What is it, (y/n)?" He asks.

"I can't seem to find our friends anywhere." You say, slightly panicking.

"Well, I swear I heard Connie shout 'hide and seek earlier'." Eren says, pretending to remember.

"Oh, is that so? I wonder why they didn't tell me." You say, slightly frowning.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find them." Eren tries to assure you.

"If you say so." You sigh.

"Anyways, you up to do the thing you've always wanted to do?" He asks.

"Really? You're okay with doing that?" You ask, clasping your hands together.

"Maybe just today. So, you still want to do it?" He asks.

"Yes please! I am so gonna give you the greatest makeover." You chuckle.

Eren gave you a sheepish smile, but on the back of his head, he was silently weeping. His poor face was going to be covered in make-up all because of a certain purpose.

Step Three: Gather around

"Wow, I'm surprised it looks good on me." Eren jokes around, looking at the make-up on his face.

"Heh, thanks for making me happy today, Eren." You smile.

"Anything for my best friend." He says, pinching your cheeks.

"Hey! Don't do that." You say, swatting his hand away from your face.

"Well, I have to go now. Hanji still wants an experimentation." Eren sighs.

"Oh, okay then." You say, voice slightly hinting sadness.

"See you around then." Eren says, walking out of your room. 

You chuckle as you remembered Eren left the room with makeup still on his face. You began to pack up your makeup kit and sat on your bed. Then suddenly, you decided to take a walk. As for Hanji, who was very busy, looked over to see Eren covered in powder and lipstick. She couldn't help but stifle a laugh, but then called for a certain someone to do something for her.

As you continued to walk, you couldn't help but notice the absence of your friends. As much as you didn't want to assume things, you were starting to wonder if they've been avoiding you. Suddenly, you heard a pair of footsteps as the person looked over at you and quickly shot a question at you.

"Why is Eren in make-up?"

Levi Ackerman // My DecisionWhere stories live. Discover now