Chapter 39

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"Oh God!"


Aden rises up on one elbow, shooting me a mischievous smile.

"Didn't know you had it in you..." he whispers against my red, puffy mouth.

I feel my lips stretching into a smile.

I know he's teasing me, so I don't hesitate to tease him back.

"Did I just rock your world?"

"If that's the way you describe it..."

He snuggles a little bit closer to me, not caring that we're both covered in sweat and other stuff. Sex is a messy affair after all and even though Aden comes prepared, as the baby wipes he has put under the sofa prove it, you can't always be prepared for everything.

I pull him in my arms, let out a sigh of satisfaction.

"It was brilliant," Aden groans against my collarbone.

He suddenly puts his arm around my back, raising his head and smiling into my face. "If I'm honest, it was more than this," he assures me. "That was incredible. You're incredible."

I'm suddenly moved, to the point of having a lump in my throat. Aden looks at me as if I were the center of his universe, as if what we just did was more than just an incredible sex bout. As if we...

We were making love to each other.

And that it was only the start of a joint adventure.

"Stay with me," he pleads, slowly kissing my face, licking my skin with small flicks of the tongue, not to arouse me or anything, just taking care of me in this very tender afterglow. "Stay with me, Ethan."

"And your work?" I feebly protest, already melting under his onslaught.

"Don't care," he growls. "I've much more important business right here..."

He resumes kissing my jaw and neck and face, his fingers running in my hair.

"Ethan..." Aden tightens his embrace around me, his body is relaxing against mine, and we kiss for a long time, our limbs twined together, ignoring the sticky wetness collected between us. Aden just doesn't care, and it seems that I don't, either. That's new. Eventually the kiss ebbs off, but Aden doesn't release my face, looking up at me and searching my eyes.

"I love you," he says, and my heart gives a fierce stab.

I don't know what to say.

I don't know what to say anymore.

All the words evade me.

I can only look at him, he who's become so important to me in such a short time.

"I don't ask you to say it," as if he already knows my answer. "Just... I needed it to declare it aloud. Words are turning round and round in my mind whenever I see you and now... I can't remain silent any longer."

He kisses me again, on the tip of my nose.

"To have you here with me... Sometimes I can't believe my luck."

"Am I allowed to get a word across or do I just lie here and be pretty?"

I wanted to say all this in a sour voice, but all that comes out of my mouth is a languid whisper. Way to go, Ethan!

Aden must guess what's going on in my head.

"Oh, you can just stand there and listen to me talking, it's just as well..."


He bursts out laughing at my scandalised face.

"I... I'm not good at making declarations and grand gestures, you know..."

I can feel the atmosphere changing between us. From playful it turns more serious. Aden loses his smile, his gaze remains set on my face

"I'm not asking you to, you know."

And I can feel in his voice how honest he is. He means every word he says to me.

"I know. But I still want to say it..."

I swallow, trying to get past the lump in my throat. I'm tempted to look away from his eyes, which always make me melt, but it wouldn't be honest of me. I cling to the tenderness, the affection that I read in his gaze and much more than that, all those emotions that I don't dare to put a name to yet.

"I... I don't know how or why it happened, but..."

I pull him in a little closer, my arm around his lean waist.

"But it's you," I whisper.

It's you.


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