Chapter 18

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After finishing my afternoon shift – and wow, it's indeed way less tiring to only do half a day of work, I even bid good evening to Elsa in a very good-humoured tone, not even retaliating when she sticks out her tongue in answer – I quickly go back to my flat. Exhilaration is buzzing in my veins, I just can't wait to see which "clue" Aden is going to send me. During the whole afternoon, I regularly sent him texts trying to worm some information out of him, but the guy is even more secretive than a Swiss bank with its clients' accounts.

"All good things come to those who wait," he replied to my attempts. And he even added, very cheekily in my opinion "Remember when I said this the first time? Have I proven you wrong this night?"

I'm not ashamed to admit a shiver had run down my spine at this reminder.

Now, I'm just waiting for this damned clue!

My good mood flies out of the window when I see the flat's empty. Dark, cold and empty. I let out a loud sigh as I toss my bag in the hallway and hang my jacket on the coat rack. Dammit, I was already enjoying the thought of us three dining together. Watching TV, mocking the programme, mimicking the actors or the hosts, exchanging gossip, making fun of Sam's habits or Ben's coworkers...

Is that too much to ask? Is that the new normal for us, each one avoiding the other? All this because Ben and I stop fucking each other – you would think this is the end of the world!

But I know it goes deeper than this. Ben was hurt by my behaviour, I was left feeling like a fool when he called the shots on our "relationship" and Sam is caught between us.

I have no idea as how to solve this whole mess.

On this depressing thought, I decide to heat a can of soup, turning on the microwave while cutting down a slice of bread. The sound of me cooking for myself has a deafening echo. I never thought I could feel lonely here.

I miss my friends.

The temptation to whip out my phone and to send a text to Sam and Ben is overwhelming. It would be so easy, a simple "Hey, what's up?" and see their replies.

If they reply.

That's my big fear when I think of it.

Reaching out only to find out none of them reaches back.

And where will I find myself, exactly? Should I start planning moving out? Should I stay and make some efforts?

My head is spinning with so many theories, gloominess is settling in my chest, weighing on my shoulders. I startle when I hear the phone ringing before lunging forward. I don't even take the time to check who's calling me, I'm just so relieved someone has thought of me, I tap the screen and say a bright "Hey!"

And I instantly regret it when I hear, after a few heartbeats of silence:




Not him. Not now.

"Ethan? You're here?"

During a second, I'm really tempted to answer:

"Sorry, friend, Ethan has irrevocably passed beyond veil, you're actually talking to his ghost mail" but I backpedal at the last moment.

"Reggie," I reply instead.

I hear his tremendous sigh of relief, followed by what I'm sure is a big smile plastered on his lips. I can hear in his voice as he exclaims:

"Ethan, bro! How are you? Long time since..."

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