Chapter 11

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Warning: mature content

The library at Kentwood University had four floors. The fourth floor was the silent floor and the noise volume increased as you went down. Given that Louis and Harry both hated silence, whenever they spent time in the library together, it was always on the first floor.

They sat on the right side, on one of the booths. But instead of sitting opposite of one another, they always sat on the same seat, thighs pressed close as they worked away on their laptops.

Harry's phone suddenly vibrated, and he reached for it, seeing that his mum was calling him through FaceTime. "Ah, shoot." Harry mumbled, grabbing his bag quickly and searching through it for his earbuds. He found them quickly, plugged them in, and answered.

"Hey, love." His mum called, brightly over the phone. "You good?"

"Yeah, mum, I'm alright. How's everything?" Harry smiled brightly.

"Good, good. I'm just missing you. How's school?"

"Good, yeah. I've got a couple weeks before finals before things pick up again, so I've just been doing revisions and what not."

"I can't wait to have you back for break, love. I'll cook everything you love and all the ladies down at the shops will be so glad to see you again." As Anne was speaking, Louis coughed and shifted beside Harry. Harry's mum just noticed the shoulder beside her son. "Oh, love. I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was interrupting. Are you with someone?"

"Uh – I'm with Lou, my friend." Harry cleared his throat and stumbled over the word friend. He angled the camera towards Louis and got a shy wave in response. "Louis, my mum."

"Hi, Louis. I'm sorry I'll leave the two of you to study or whatever it is that you're doing."

"Lou, my mum said hi."

"Hi Harry's mum," Louis called.

Anne laughed over the phone. "Bye you two."

Harry left his headphones in, pulling out the right one and placing it in Louis' ear. He clicked open his Spotify, finding one of their shared playlists and sat the phone between the two of them, pressing play. Halfway through the first song, Louis reached over and paused it.

"What's your mum like? Are you two close?" He asked.

"Yeah, we are. She's the kindest person, like she's so sweet and pure. She has so much love in her heart, it's amazing." Harry had a sort of dazed look wash over his face while he talked about his mum.

"That's really sweet, Haz."

"What's your mum like?"

"She's amazing, really strong, honest. But since I was the oldest and helped take care of all the girls, we were close but in a different way – less in a parental way, more of a we are in this together kind of way. It was hard for a while, ya know?" Louis asked while Harry listened intently, nodding along.

"That makes a lot of sense," Harry said, hand reaching out to rub his thumb across Louis' knuckles.

"Okay, you sap. Back to your essay. Mitosis won't explain it self." Louis said.

A couple of mornings later, Louis woke up with a very thin layer of sweat covering his shirtless body. He couldn't stop thinking about what he saw on those videos last night. Perhaps he shouldn't have been watching porn right before bed, because it was definitely to blame for the fact that he could only manage to snag six hours of dream filled sleep – dreams where the people doing the things in those videos had lean bodies, long curly hair, and green eyes.

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