Year Five, Day Unkown

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Cress POV

I find myself standing in front of the ShinRa building with two other girls. Nikki and Michelle. That is there names. What are we doing here again?

"There you are, Sam!" Nikki calls to me as I join them.

"Sorry, I couldn't drive because Aunt Jenna took the car," I hear myself explaining earnestly.

"Whatever, let's just get inside before we're late for our reservation," Michelle says, leading the way.

Reservation? Oh, that's right. Nikki got us a reservation for the new exhibit in the ShinRa Visitor Center. I can't believe I was a ShinRa enthusiast. If I knew what I know now about ShinRa, I would've joined AVALANCHE or something.

The time skips, and I'm in an elevator with Nikki and Michelle:

Out of nowhere, a red light pops out of the ceiling and begins flashing. An alarm sounds, too. What's going on?

"What's happening?" Nikki asks, panicking. "What's with the alarm?"

"Attention! An intruder has entered the ShinRa building! All visitors please remain calm and head to the 59th floor," an automated voice tells us over the intercom. It repeats the message a few more times before falling silent.

"An intruder?" I question. "That can't be us, right?"

Michelle replies, though her voice carries a slight hint of doubt.

Nikki frowns. "I bet it's some Anti-ShinRa group like AVALANCHE trying to cause trouble or something!"

"Doesn't matter to us. We just need to head to the 59th floor as we are already doing."

"Skyview Hall. I heard the view is the amazing from up there and people from all over the world come here just to see it."

"I wonder why they want us to go there."

"Better security," I guess.

Suddenly, the elevator stops at Floor 49, the SOLDIER floor. The doors open, and a tall man with long silver hair wearing a long black coat over his bare muscular chest and slightly baggy pants tucked into knee-high black boots steps inside. He's very good-looking, but his blue eyes are cold and calculating, making him seem very intimidating.

Sephiroth. Even back then, he had this air of someone you should avoid. And by the way we give him a wide berth as he presses the button for the top floor and scans a keycard, my friends and I are scared of him.

There's another time skip. This time, I find myself watering plants inside a quaint little coffee shop. Just as I'm finishing the watering, the little bell over the front door jingles as someone enters. I quickly put the pitcher away and return to the counter. "I just put the coffee on. It'll be ready in a couple minutes..."

My voice trails off when I see that it's Sephiroth. But I don't think I knew he was Sephiroth at the time. He's wearing that black coat he always wears. Doesn't he own any other clothes?

I wonder why he's here. This shop certainly isn't fancy or high-grade or anything that a SOLDIER of any class would be used to. We mostly just get mid-tier workers coming through.

I notice I rip in his sleeve that wasn't there when I saw him before. Something dark is crusted around the edges. With a jolt, I realize that it's blood.

"Um, s-sir, you're hurt," I point out nervously. "W-would you like me the first aid kit?"

He gives my a slight nod after a moment, his face blank. He never was very verbal.

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