Year Five, Day Twenty-Four

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Cloud POV

Finally, the ship docks at Costa del Sol. We all gather in an alley way to take off our stolen uniforms after sneaking off. At least we all had the brains to keep our own clothes on underneath.

"Ah! Thank the goddess!" Yuffie sighs happily, stretching out her arms. "That uniform was the worst!"

"No kiddin'," Barret agrees. The sailor uniform he had worn had been so tight he had to rip it in order to get it off.

"It wasn't that bad," Aerith says, laughing a little. "A little big, but they fit alright on Tifa and I."

I shrug. "At least we made it without any incidents. Let's go-hey, where's Cress?"

I had just noticed that Cress had disappeared from the group. Where'd she go? Why would she wander off on her own?

"She was just here a minute ago!"

"We have to go look for her," Tifa says, looking worried. "I know she's very capable of defending herself, but what if someone catches her off guard?"

Nodding, I gesture to Barret, Yuffie, and Tifa. "You three check around town. Red, Aerith, and I will look for her along the beaches and docks."

"I don't think that'll be necessary," Aerith suddenly speaks up. "I think I have an idea where she might have gone."


Cress POV

This beach. The golden sand. The hot sun. The blue-green water. The cottages along the shore...

I feel like I've been here before. Why? Why can't I remember? Is this the beach Aerith was talking about? When she talked about that vacation she went on here with Zack and Sam and Sam's boyfriend? Am I recognizing it because I am Sam?

Falling to my knees, I feel a sob rise up in me. In my mind, I hear a peal of laughter. A memory of someone scooping me into their strong arms. A voice calling a name. My name? No, Sam's. But am I Sam? Or have I always been Crescent X, Hojo's experiment? Are these my memories? Or just my imagination tricking me?


No. Go away.


A pair of arms wrap themselves around me. A soft voice whispers, "Cress, it's okay."

"Why can't...why can't I remember? Am I Sam? Are these memories?" I choke out. "It's only fragments...why can't I see the whole? I want to know who I am besides Cress. I don't want to be Cress."

"I'm sorry. I wish I had answers for you. I wish I could help you more."

"Can you...tell me more about Sam?"

"Of course. Sam lived with her aunt over a coffee shop in Sector 7. Her aunt owned the coffee shop, you see, and she made these amazing chocolate muffins. Sam had been a bit of a ShinRa enthusiast. She met her boyfriend while touring the public levels of the ShinRa building. They met only briefly at that time.

"Then, the next day, he came to the coffee shop her aunt owned, wounded. She tended his wound. Every day after that, he would always come for coffee there. Until one day, he finally asked her out. At that date, I met her for the first time. She was very soft-spoken and had a beautiful smile. She had grown up in Gongaga like Zack."

"Gongaga? I feel like I know that name..." I murmur. I sit up and dry my eyes. I look back at the person hugging me. "Thank you, Aerith. I don't know...I don't know what came over me."

The brunette smiles kindly. "It's okay, Cress. I'm sure your memories will come back soon."


Aerith POV

I help Cress to her feet and lead her back to the rest of the group. Red comes up and nudges her comfortingly. The others all have varying looks of concern on their faces.

"Are you alright, Cress?" Tifa asks her, giving her a hug, too.

"I am now, thanks to Aerith," Cress replies, smiling sadly. "I really don't know what got into me. Sorry for worrying you all."

"I wasn't worried," Barret says gruffly, but his earlier expression had said otherwise. "Stop wandering off."

"No promises."

Cloud coughs. "We should keep moving."

Sorry for the short chapter! I hope the next ones will be longer!

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