Year Five, Day Eighteen Part 4

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Cress POV

We hurry to join the others who are gathered on the helipad, watching a non-ShinRa helicopter land. Out of nowhere, the copter explodes and goes spiraling down into the city, burning. The cause? A ShinRa helicopter.

"There goes our ride," Barret grumbles as we are run towards the door leading back inside.

When the copter lands, Cloud stops and looks back. Barret, the others, and I do the same. None other than Rufus ShinRa, son of the recently deceased President ShinRa, jumps out onto the helipad along with four infantrymen and a dog of some sort. Is he really going to fight us himself?

"Rufus ShinRa," Barret growls with distaste. "We can take out the whole accursed family now."

"Barret," Cloud says, looking serious. "Take the others and get out of here. I'll buy you some time."

"But I could stay and back you u-"

"Barret. I'm asking you...please."

I cross my arms and give them both a look. "I don't care what you say, I'm staying to beat that bastard to pieces. None of you are my boss, so I don't have to listen to you. I'm free to make my own choices."

"Fine. I'll get the others out, but you both better be right behind us," the big, dark-skinned man says before turning and leading the others back into the building.

"Well? Ready to kick ass?" I ask Cloud.

"I'm always ready to kick ass."


Cloud POV

Rufus walks forward, dressed in white. Looking at me he says, "you're a SOLDIER, aren't?"

His attention shifts to Cress. "And your Hojo's little pet project. Which ultimately means, I own you both."

"Ex-SOLDIER, actually," I correct, pulling out my sword. "I quit."

"And I don't belong to anyone anymore. I'm my own person now. And I plan to keep it that way," Cress adds, drawing her dual blades so fast I almost miss the entire action. There's no doubt her skills are equal to or higher than my own.

Rufus nods to the infantrymen, and they dash towards the building. I try to intercept them, but gunfire from that blasted helicopter impedes my progress. Scowling, I turn back to Rufus.

"Just the three of us," he says, smirking and lifting a pistol of some sort. His dog growls loudly. "Well, maybe four of us."

The dog leaps at me, but I kick it to the side. I feel a little bad about it, but not overwhelmingly so. Any dog that is loyal to ShinRa is an enemy dog. All enemies must be eliminated.

Soon, the battle is in full swing. Rufus turns out to have this weird attack where he shoots coins to create lasers. Man, I hate ShinRa tech. Except their motorcycles.

Finally, Cress manages to knock his thrice-damned gun out of his hand. I level my blade with his heart and back him towards the edge of the helipad. "I could end this, here and now-"

"No. You can't," the bastard says, smirking again. Suddenly, the helicopter comes up behind him, and he grabs on. As it flies higher, I hear him say, "this will be a new beginning...for ShinRa!"

The copter fires at the ground beneath my feet, and it gives way. I manage to grab a steel support beam just in time to stop myself from falling to my death, but it doesn't last long. My hand begins to slip.

"Cloud!" Cress yells. She grabs my hand just as it slips completely from the beam. "H-hang on!"

But even that isn't enough. I can tell that she's weary from all this fighting, and my weight is slowly dragging her over the edge as well. There's only one option.

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