Interlude II: Why Blue ALWAYS Wears A Bandanna

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As you may have guessed, this is in the past. I just wanted to write this scene. Credit to, uh... not me for the idea. You know who you are, curious yet knowledgeable reader.


"But Error--"

"1 s4iD n0!"

Blue fell silent, watching his kidnapper/new best friend with wary eyelights. It had only been a bit-- maybe a few hours? Time flowed weirdly in the Anti-VOID-- since Error had released him from the strings, and Blue had no intention of making him mad enough to put him back. The puppets were creepy enough from the 'floor', thanks.

When Error seemed to be a bit less agitated, Blue asked, "Why not?"

The glitched skeleton monster scowled. "1t'$ n0t $aFe," he finally explained.

"Why not?" Blue asked again.

"1nKy 4nD Dr3aM w1lL aTt4cK m3 oN s1gHt. YoU'lL g3t CaUgHt 1n Th3 cRo$sFiRe."

Ah. Blue could understand that. "Can you take me with you when you're not destroying, then?"

Error considered it. "1t WoUlD h4v3 t0 b3 jUsT aFt3r 1 f1n1sH d3sTr0y1nG aN 4U, s1nCe Th3y WiLl Be Re$t1nG aNd He4l1nG. 0tHeRw1s3, w3 m1gHt Be 1nTuRrUpTeD bY a NeW cRe4t1oN oR tHeY c0uLd Ju$t RuN iNt0 u$."

Blue nodded happily. "Let's go soon, then!" He bounced in place happily.

Error smiled at his enthusiasm. "4lRiGhT."

As if Fate herself decreed plot convenience, Error fell to his knees, wincing in pain. Ink had just created a new AU, an original, even.

"Stars!" exclaimed Blue. "Are you okay, Error?"

"Y-Ye4h, 1'm=FiNe," he reassured once the pain passed, glitching slightly. "1nKy Ju$t MaDe 4n 0r1g1n4l. He Kn0w$ 1 d0n'T d3sTr0y Th0s3. Do YoU w4nT t0 cHeCk 1t 0uT w1tH m3?"

Blue was still concerned, but nodded. "If you think it's safe..." he said doubtfully.

Error shrugged. "1 c4n 4lWaYs Ti3 y0u Up 4nD pReTeNd YoU'r3 mY h0sTaGe," he suggested jokingly.

Blue shook his head quickly. "No, I'm good."

"HeH, 1 tHoUgHt $o." Error opened a portal and stepped through, Blue following nervously.

"NoW," Error whispered, stepping lightly in the snow, "1 c4n'T aCc3s$ tHe CoDe$ oF an 4U uNt1l 1t FiNi$h3s Pl4y1nG oUt-- Th4t 1s, FiNi$h3s Th3 m4iN c0nFl1cT. Th4t 4l$o Me4n$ 1 c4n'T m4k3 oNe-WaY p0rTaLs To 1t, $iNc3 tHeY'r3 a CoMb1n4t1oN oF p0rTaLs 4nD CoDe$."

"Okay," Blue whispered back. "Why is this relevant?"

Error laughed softly. "1 tHoUgHt YoU m4y HaVe Be3n WoNd3r1nG wHy We CaNn0t Ju$t WaTcH tHr0uGh My WiNd0w$, bUt 4pPaReNtLy NoT."

They had first appeared in the Ruins, but a quick magic pulse from Error determined there were no living monsters, so they went to Snowdin. Blue was currently sitting on a tree branch, while Error had made a small web of his strings, and was currently relaxing in it like the spider he was. "You said we can't interfere?" Blue checked.

Error nodded. "1t'$ n3c3s$aRy. 1f Th3 uNiVeRs3 i$ n0t 4lLoWeD t0 pLaY oUt Th3 p4tH tHe CoDe ReQu1r3s, iT b3c0m3s Un$t4bLe, 4nD tH3n--" He made an exploding motion with his hands. "Go0dBy3 uNiVeRs3, h3lLo Pa1nFuL V01D d3aTh."

Blue looked at him, horrified.

"0h, Lo0k," Error said conversationally. "Th3r3's Th3 $aNs 0f Th1s 4U." Sure enough, a Sans that looked a lot like Blue-- only without the bandanna-- was walking over to where he'd normally capture Chara. "DiD iT s3r1oUsLy BeCoMe 4n 0r1g1n4l Ju$t BeCaUs3 1nKy Ch4nGeD h1s 0uTf1t?" Error muttered incredulously.

Just then, they saw the Papyrus walk out of Snowdin and towards his brother. His hood was up, and it was a different colour than his jacket, a sort of light orangish-gray.

"Du$t$w4p, Th3n?" Error questioned, for it certainly seemed that way. "BuT wHy Do3s Th3 $aNs...?"

Blue didn't want to watch, but he found himself unable to turn away as the two brothers battled. The Sans clearly didn't want to hurt his brother, but the Papyrus kept taunting him, saying things like, "You're the last one, brother. I need to kill the human, brother." Just when he was about to lose, the Papyrus approaching for the killing blow, the Sans desperately summoned bones and flung them at his brother.

They pierced through Papyrus's SOUL.

The Sans gained all the LOVE his brother had gotten, but was so distraught over his death that he didn't seem to notice, until he heard Chara approach. He whipped around, getting into a fighting position. He seemed to blame them for making him kill his brother.

Error finally noticed Blue's discomfort. "LeT's Go NoW, BlUe," he said quietly. "YoU d0n'T n3eD t0 s3e Th1s."

Blue nodded mutely, tears running down his face. Error opened a portal beneath them, and they sat next to each other in the Anti-VOID in silence.

Eventually, Blue spoke. "How... How do I know my universe won't end up like that?"

"1t'$ n0t 1n Th3 CoDe$," Error answered simply.

It wasn't very reassuring to Blue.

"...I gUe$s We WoN't Be GeTt1nG f0oD tHi$ t1m3," Error joked.

Blue laughed slightly. "No, I guess not."

And ever since then, Blue had always worn a bandanna or a scarf, for the Dusttrust!Sans had worn neither.


Yeah, Error totally destroyed that universe, he didn't care that it was an original.

870 words

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