Chapter 10

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"Sorry I told mistress about your troubled nights." Diaval told me.

I nodded at him. "It's fine. I just wish you could have told me before you did." It wouldn't have been fine if someone else had told her. Why is he like this? Why does he have this effect over me? It's almost like he put some kind of charm or enchantment on me. But he was bird. How could he have done that? Or maybe it was Maleficent.... Actually, scratch that. SHe wouldn't do that.

"Then, you would have tried to stop me and talked me out of it." He told me. That does sound like me. "Just let us know when you go down that road. Mistress cares about you like you're family."

"But we are." Or at least I think so.

"Would you like to accompany me to go see the baby?" He asked me.

"Isn't she three now?" I asked him. He nodded. "Then, wouldn't she be a toddler?"

"Don't be a smartass to me." he replied.

I smiled in silence as the two of us walked over to the cottage the three stupid pixies were at raising the young baby Aurora. We hid behind some as the three left the cottage. With the baby still inside. Oh my gods. How stupid are these TWO IDIOTS AND THE ONE NINCAMPOOP?! Like how stupid do you have to be to leave the baby home alone? I sighed and walked into the cottage seeing the three year old running around and crying.

I picked the girl up and  brought her into the kitchen. I looked over at Diaval who hovered in the doorway. I sighed and gestured him inside of the cottage. He trudged inside kind of  awkward and I sighed as I started making some lunch for the three of us. And all they have here is rabbit and lots of rabbit food. I started to cook the rabbit while I made salads for the three of us. I gave it to both Toddler Aurora and Diaval.

Then, when the rabbit was finished, I gave a small peice to the young blonde child (and she got small cut up pieces). "Is this what you normally do when mistress asks you to check on Aurora?"

I nodded. "Yes. I also read and tell her stories. What do you do?"

"I just give her the things she's lacking because of the idiot pixies. Like feed her, give her some water or other nutrients." Diaval explained.

"The girl... is just a little girl. And still, she has no idea what's coming her way." I said, my voice barely a whisper.

"I know. She's the target of mistress's revenge on her father." he replied.

Because Stefan took her wings, broke her heart, and betrayed her, Maleficent cursed his newborn daughter. To be fair, i think this fate is better than having that god awful man as a father. My opinion.

𝙉𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙁𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙮―𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐥 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant