Chapter 6

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I was here for only one reason: Maleficent asked me to come with her. To King Stephan’s infant daughter;s christening. Diaval had arrived three days ago and told her of the news. And now we were on our way. Actually, we were already here. 

Just outside the door of the throne room where we would be walking into. But I know my sister. She wants some fun in this. Some amount of fun in her quest for vengeance against Stefan who broke her heart and betrayed her. 

And suddenly the fires lighting the room were blown out and the chandeliers shook as the wind Maleficent had created came to a screeching halt. And we walked in. Me dragging behind her. Her staff clanging on the marble floor with Diavel in crow form following after her. 

He landed on her staff as she began to speak. “Well, well. What a glittering assemblage, King Stefan. Royalty, nobility, the gentry and… How quaint.” She saw Thistlewitt, Flittle, and Knotgrass and laughed. “Even the rabble. I must say I really felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation.” 

“You’re not welcome here.” King Stefan told her. 

“Oh, dear. What an awkward situation.” Maleficent said. 

“You're not offended?” Queen Leila asked her. 

“Why, no. And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift on the child.” Maleficent said. 

I knew what was coming. I knew what to expect of it. Nothing about her should surprise me anymore. But it will surprise me. 

“No! We don't want your gift!” King Stefan declined. 

“Stay away from the princess!”

“Yes, stay away!” Maleficent looked at me and my hand glowed grey as a bought of wind threw the three of them into a trunk. 

“Listen well, all of you. The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who meet her.” Maleficent said, her own hand glowing green along with her eyes. 

“That's… that’s a lovely gift.” Queen Leila stammered, clearly anxious and petrified with terror of what will happen. 

“Don't do this.” King Stefan begged. 

Maleficent looked behind her and I followed her gaze. A spinning wheel. She stood out in front of the Queen and King and raised her hands over her head. “But before the sun sets on her 16th birthday, she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a sleep like death, a sleep from which she will never awaken.” 

“Maleficent, please don't do this, I'm begging you.” King Stefan begged. 

“I like you begging. Do it again.” her glowing green eyes becoming a darker shade of green. 

King Stefan lowered to the ground on one knee. “I beg you.”

“All right. The princess can be woken from her death sleep, but only by true love's kiss. This curse will last till the end of time! No power on Earth can change it!” And the green magic, a curse, attached itself onto the baby. 

And the three of us walked out of the throne room. Maleficent laughing maniacally as she did. 

Okay so chapter 6 is done. And I also have all of the scenes from the first movie done. I'm just taking my own time to write the scenes specifically between Diaval, Reader, and Maleficent as Aurora grows up. But first... I have a dilemma. Now, I know I should write chapter nine, so I can update one chapter a day for the next few days LIKE A BOSS! Or do I write the first chapter of my Naruto Uzumaki x Reader Dauntless. Should I write chapter 9 or write the first ever chapter of my new project (from a Fandom I have not been apart of since Boruto became a thing)? To be fair if I finish one, I will go to the other.

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