I'm Not Special

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I'm Not Special

I looked up when I heard someone call my name; the voice didn't belong to River. No, it wasn't as deep and husky, it was restrained and lost, its words fading into its own melody.

My mind turned elsewhere, anywhere but the person walking towards me.

As much as I wanted to shield myself from him, as much as I wanted to be alone, his consumptive gaze wouldn't fade away as his words did.

All that left was him.

A boy I hadn't seen in a long time, the boy who I had moved mountains to avoid. He smiled slyly making my skin crawl. I turned to look for River; he was nowhere to be seen, I sighed in defeat.

In that instance I wanted to run, to stand up and flip tables before running out into the rain and heading towards the forest. I didn't want to hear his voice or see his face. I wanted nothing to do with him.

"Vera, wow, I can't believe you're here. Have you been getting any of my calls?" He said softly, as if the sound of his voice could crack me into a million pieces, I gave him an incredulous stare.

"Dylan," I said, finally acknowledging him.

I didn't bother to ask him how he was or where he had been since I last saw him, or if he was finally put into an asylum, the place he belonged. I kept my voice monotone, devoid of the usual emotion.

Dylan looked me up and down with approval and took a seat across from me, he propped himself up on his elbows and grinned as if six months hadn't gone by. He still looked beautiful, in a crisp suit with his hair pushed back to show off the mark maturity left on his once childlike face. Yes, he was beautiful but this time is was superficial, like a mask that had been painted on by a predator in search for prey.

Dylan's eyes glowed a warm hazel, if I hadn't known better I would have said he looked trustworthy.

"I've missed you, I haven't stopped thinking about you. Have you been going to Dr. Anderson?" He asked.

I held back a flinch as I thought of how angry mom would be when she found out I had skipped my session, as much as River denied her finding it out, I couldn't help but doubt it. Dylan was still watching me, memories of our past washed over me in violent waves, chilling the marrow of my bones and crippling my mentality.

Did he see my struggle? Could he tell how I felt powerless under his scrutiny?

"Vera, did you hear me? Are you still with Dr. Anderson?"

"Yeah," I took a breath. "It's great," I lied.

Dylan smiled again, that horrible smile. "That's great. I've been okay. I'm taking medication now, I finally feel like a normal person again. You're not still doing that thing where you hide them under your tongue right?" He asked, "I'm telling you it causes nothing but trouble."

"I rather not be sedated, thanks," I replied bitterly.

He sighed, "I've been meaning to talk to you about what happened," he said. He was talking as if what he had done was as simple as a conversation, as if he hadn't made things worse, "I was messed up back then but my life is back on track, I'm working at my dad's company. I'm happy now, well, as happy as I can be when you're not with me."

I laughed, it was a bitter, raspy sort of laugh. A laugh to keep me from crying, "so your dad shoves you into a suit and now your life is perfect?"

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