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I didn't proof read this

Everyone convinced me to go on a date with Mattia. And I agreed to it. Emilio was going to be fine. He was going to be with the boys Aliz and Chris, then they were going to take him to Mattia's parents.

We got in the car and  Mattia just started driving.

"where are we going?"
I asked him

"I have no idea, I'm just driving"
He said looking at me smiling then looked back at the road

"ok, so where do you want to go"
I said

He said

"Ok your not helping"
I said

" I don't care where we go"
He said

"do you wanna just get something to eat then?"
I said

He said

We drove to chic-fil-a and Mattia ordered the food

"we're not gonna eat here"
He said

"so then where are we going to eat?"
I said

"just wait"
He said smiling

Mattia drove for a while while I held onto the food so it wouldn't fall and we ended up in an empty parking lot that had a really beautiful view

"why are we here"
I asked

"I came here almost everyday for a month when you told me you were pregnant with Emilio. I just sat here thinking. Thinking how I could say that to you how I could "I didn't want to be apart of his life". I sat here and thought about that baby, imaging me holding him in my arms and seeing his first steps, hearing his first words, y/n if I wouldn't have bumped into that day at school and felt Emilio kick I don't think I'd be here right now. Because when I felt him kick I just felt this pit of joy, and the baby's shower I wanted to feel him kick again, I never gave my mom the photo of the ultra sound"
He said

"why not?"
I asked

"because when Kairi handed me it I just looked at it and a smile appeared on my face. I looked at it and never took my eyes off it, I'm a dad. I never thought I'd be a dad at 17 but it happened. I pictured my life being different, I wanted to have a baby at 25 with a wife. Someone I actually knew"
He said

"but you had a baby with me instead. And not at 25 but 17, you didn't even know me"
I said looking down and Mattia put his hand in my chin

"but I don't regret it, not one bit, I wouldn't change this for the world, with out you I wouldn't have Emilio, and without Emilio I wouldn't have you, because at first all I cared about was Emilio. Seeing him. And then I started to see you everyday. Talk to you, hang out with you"
Mattia said

"do you hate me for this. because I changed your life Mattia"
I said

"how could I hate someone who brought me the one thing that makes me happy"
He said

He smiled at me and I smiled back. I leaned In Grabbing his face kissing him and he kissed back

We started eating and just talking

~Y/n's house~
Everyone was playing with Emilio while Aliz cleaned y/n's room, Chris cleaned the kitchen and living room

"How'd you put him to sleep so fast?"
Alvaro said

"cause I'm a god bitch"
Roshaun yelled out which made Emilio wake up and start crying

"god my ass"
Alejandro said rocking Emilio back and forth while he fell back to sleep

"my bad"
Roshaun said whispering

"alright we gotta clean his room"
Kairi said

The boys walked up to emilio's room and started cleaning it

"we should take him to Mattia's house, his parents want him"
Chris said

"alright Kairi can you get his stroller and I'll put him in"
Aliz said

Kairi said

"I'll grab his diaper bag"
Alvaro said

They all got Emilio's things and Aliz put Emilio in the stroller since they didn't have a car and started walking to Mattia house

"Damn taking care of a baby is hard"
Roshaun said

"especially when the baby's not even yours"
Kairi said holding the diaper bag

~Y/n and Mattia~

"so what happens if emilios has a girlfriend and she cheats on him?"
Mattia said

"I'll beat her ass"
I said

Mattia said

"yea! no ones gonna hurt my baby"
I said and Mattia started laughing

"ok picture this, we have a daughter and her boyfriend cheats on her, what are you gonna do?"
I asked Mattia

"First of all shes not gonna have no boyfriend, and second of all the boys and I would gladly beat his ass"
Mattia said

"how do you know the boys will beat him?"
I said

"wanna bet?"
Mattia said getting his phone and FaceTimed Kairi


"Whats up?"
Kairi said

"alright so y/n and we're talking and she said if we had a daughter and her boyfriend cheats on her and-"

Roshaun cut him off

"If you have a daughter she ain't getting no boyfriend"
Roshaun said

"and if her boyfriend does hurt her we all gonna kick his ass"
Alejandro said

"no ones gonna hurt her"
Kairi said

"And if emilio gets a girlfriend and she hurts him y/n and I would beat her ass"
Aliz said

"told you"
I said to Mattia

"that's it. Now you gotta make another baby"
Chris said

"ain't gotta tell me twice, see you guys later"
Mattia said

"and take care of my baby"
I said before he hung up

I looked at me smiling

He said eating a French fry and smiling back at me

I leaned in smashing my lips against his and he put his hands in face. He put his seat back so I get in top of him and I got on top of him without breaking up the kiss and that kiss led to a make out. His hands traced down from my face to my neck and down my neck

Mattia was tracing every inch of y/n's body, gripping her waist and glowing lower to her butt pulling her closer to her where their bodies touched. Y/n started moving up and down which started to turn on Mattia, she began kissing his

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