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~2 weeks later~
I was doing some online school while Emilio was asleep and when I was done with that I turned everything in. I took a shower and changed into some jeans and a t-shirt and put on some vans before Emilio woke up. I did my makeup and put on some lashes since I haven't really felt pretty since I gave birth.

I didn't do much to my hair so I just brushed it out and fixed it a bit. Emilio woke up and he was really happy so I decided to go on a walk with him. I changed his diaper and clothes since he threw up on them and put him in his stroller. I grabbed the diaper bag and my phone and locked the house

I started walking around the neighborhood the neighborhood and Emilio was looking up at me and smiling. I walked to the liquor store because I wanted to by a water and some snacks. Once I got there I got what I needed and walked to the cash register. I payed for everything and walk d out and accidentally dropped the water. But someone picked it up

"oh, thank you"

"your welcome, cute baby"

"thank you, I'm y/n"

"I'm Mariano, he's yours? Seem to young to have a baby?"

"yea he's mine. His name is Emilio and this wasn't planned but it happened"

"how old are you?"

"I was 16 when I found out I was pregnant but I just turned 17"

"your really pretty, can I get your number? Wait no! You probably have boyfriend, sorry"

"oh no it's fine, and his dad and I aren't together. It was a party and we were drunk and this is really awkward that I'm telling you this right now"

We both laughed

"it's fine, kinda cute, so I can get your number?"

"you don't care that I have a kid?"

"no, I like baby's"

He said and grabbed Emilio and Emilio grabbed Marianos finger and smiled

"she likes you"
I said

"babies love me"

He looked up at me and smiled. I have Mariano my number and walked back home with a smile on my face

"your momma still got it baby!"

I said to Emilio and he smiled. I got a cal from Mattia and I answered it


hey Mattia

hey, so I have a soccer game today and the boys and I wanted to know if you can't come and watch us play?

yea sure, what time?

around 6pm

ok, I'll be there


I hung up and got another call from Mrs.Polibio


hi Mrs.Polibio

hi sweetie. so I have something to give you for both you and Emilio m, can you come pick it up?

oh yea sure, be there in around 15 minutes?

ok see you soon and be careful

I hung up and started walking to her house l. Once I got there I knocked on the door and she answered it giving me a hug and Emilio a kiss on the cheek. She handed me a bag that had two shirts in it. I looked at them and it was soccer jerseys with Mattias number on it his last name for Emilio and I to wear at the game. I said thank you and hugged her again and walked back home.

Once I got there Aliz said she was on her way from school and I said ok. After a while she came in and messed around with Emilio.

"so, I gave someone my number today"

"really?! Who?"

"his name is Mariano, I met him at the liquor store cause I dropped my water and he picked it up for me and we started talking  and he asks for my number but the said he shouldn't have said that cause I most likely have a boyfriend cause I have a baby and I said no the dad and I aren't together and I have him my number"

"wow! you still got it!"
She said cheering me up

"it never left honey"

"aye birth is time, try not to get pregnant. Or at least not with a different baby dad"

I just looked at her with a serious face

"too soon?"
She said


She nodded at it was 5:30. Aliz our Emilio in the jersey his grandma gave him and I put mine on

"you don't think that's weird putting on a jersey with Mattia's last name and team number on?"
Aliz asked

"little bit"

Teenage Parents | | Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now