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I'm still in the hospital because the doctors want to make sure everything is fine and I can't leave until later on day or tomorrow. I was Emilio because Aliz wanted to go shower but she didn't want to leave me so I made her go and she said she'll be back after. I was talking to Emilio and he was just smiling. The nurse walked in

Nurse-hi y/n, how are you feeling?
Y-pretty good
I smiled
Nurse-that's good. Ok so we're gonna try breast feeding to see if the baby wants to or not and if he doesn't then you'll need to pump and give him bottle
The nurse told me how to breastfeed and Emilio wasn't rejecting it so I didn't have to use bottles for a while.
She left and it was just me and him. He finished eating so I burped him. He was laying on my stomach and he fell asleep so I put him in the crib they left for me and I had to use the restroom. I took the sheet off of me and since my legs still hurt it took me a while to get up but I did and I tried waking to the bathroom holding onto anything

Mattia-woah woah woah! Here let me help you
He said running towards me helping me to the restroom
Y-oh thank you

I shut the door and used the restroom washed my hands and opened the door and Mattia was waiting g outside the door and he picked me up and took me back to the bed and I just smiled

Mattia-so how is he?
Y-he's fine.
He just nodded and smiled
Y-mattia why are you here? I mean, when I told you I was pregnant you wanted nothing to do with this baby and you just stopped talking to me. I know it was just a one night stand and I could care less about "us" but this is your baby and now you wanna be here?

He just looked at me and his shoulders shrugged

Mattia-I know that I said those things y/n but, when I held you that day afterschool and when I felt him kick something just happened and I wanted to feel him kick again. That day at the baby shower when I asked if I could feel him kick again I felt something. When I held him and he smiled I new I wanted to see him grow up y/n. I'm sorry I said that but I want to be apart of Emilios life now? Please?
Y-of corse you can Mattia.
He smiled at me and Emilio started moving around so I picked him up and he was awake
Y-hi baby
I said smiling and making a baby voice and he smiled at me. I looked over at Mattia and he wa smiling
Y-wanna hold him?
He nodded and sat on the bed and I handed him Emilio and his smile got bigger. Aliz walked in with food
Y-ooo food! Gimme
Y-hospital food is nasty!
She laughed and I ate the food Aliz brought me
Aliz-ok my turn to hold him! She wines and Mattia gave Emilio to her and she smiled and sat down kissing his forehead
Doctor-ok y/n you can go home later on tonight. We just need to see a car seat with you
Y-oh yea there's one in my car. I'll get it later

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