Chapter 3 - Julio

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Hey y'all are cool

Here is an update


Chapter 3 - It's Her


She's in here. I can tell. The room is so deadly silent. Thomas isn't even talking to me, and he's sitting right next to me.

"Break time. You have five minutes to stretch and socialize!" Ms. Tabby explained.

I need to find her. I got up and was immediately swarmed by a bunch of people:

"Julio! She's over there. Go get her!"

"Brooke is here. Why is she here?!"

"Why is Brooklyn Taylor in our school?"

And a whole lot of:

"Why aren't you guys talking?!"

It was so overwhelming. I had to sit back down and ignore everybody. I want to talk to her. To apologize. I don't know what she's doing in my school but I think this is fate calling.

I can tell she doesn't want to be here. I tuned out everybody and looked over to her. She was doing her best to hide herself, and that Elliot kid was helping her.

I narrowed my eyes. I need her again. My life has been nothing but shit since we broke up and she was my everything. Our break up destroyed me. I screwed up. (A/N: This sounds exactly like my ex I'm laughing fuck him but this is Julio regarding Brooke so it's different)

I know she hates me. She's making it obvious by doing everything in her power not to look at me.

I need to fix this. I really do, but I don't know how.

Jordan would be the only person to potentially help me, but he hates me too.


I looked up to see Thomas staring at me.

"Go get her."

"I can't."

"But you can," he said, "She's right there."

"It doesn't happen like that... She hates me and I can't go over there and risk our relationship even more."

"Well then, I have a suggestion?" He said.


"Make a video apologizing."

"Then all the fans will know!" I whisper-shouted.

"C'mon Julio, they already know..."


He sighed, "It's obvious."

I guess it is...

"Okay, but I won't use names."

"Oh no you won't. Now get back to work on your project. What is it on?"

"I don't even know yet..."


I ended up pacing around my room later that day.

"C'mon," I repeatedly snapped my fingers, "Think of something."


I got it.

I rushed to my computer, sitting down. I opened up all of my recording software and soon enough, I clicked play. Not Minecraft, just my face.

I sighed before beginning, "What's up guys, Tomahawk here, and today I need to apologize..."

I continued, letting my heart out, "I've broken a heart. And that broke my heart. I need to apologize to this person because I know they dislike me now. I'm sorry for the situation I put you in. I'm so sorry... You don't need to forgive me right away but just know that I know this is all of my fault and that I'm sorry for everything. I started this, and now I need to end it, because this is paining me so much and I can't even handle it anymore."

I paused, letting the tears flow. I fucked up bad.

"I'm still in love with you and I know I fucked up... I fucked up bad."

I paused once more. I need to apologize to Jordan.

"I also need to apologize to one of my best friends. I fucked up your life too. I'm sorry. Our friendship means so much to me and I can't handle knowing you hate me too."

One more thing.

"And I need to apologize to all of you. My videos have been crappy quality because of my mood. My attitude on Twitter and every other social media has been awful and I'm sorry for that. I promise my attitude towards YouTube and communicating with you guys will be better.

"So thank you for listening to my ramblings. I hope you all have a great day... Brah..."


Julio is sad and that's making me sad.


I'm actually proud of my commitment to this story!

I love you❤️

~Kerri xo~

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