Prologue (Part 2) - Brooke

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We started packing at about two PM the next day, despite all of my protests not to go. It was a sudden move, and because of that we were leaving right away.

Michigan was no longer going to be my home.

Faith and Lily were both spamming my phone about how they were sad I was going. They were meeting me at the airport right before I boarded my flight, and I honestly wasn't looking forward to saying goodbye.

"Brooke, I understand why you're upset but please don't let this ruin our relationship," my dad tried to reason with me.

"Do you even know why I'm so upset?" I asked.

"Yes, but I made sure we wouldn't be living in the same area as him."

I sighed, feeling a little bit better. I still felt awful about leaving Faith and Lily in this condition. I have minor depression and my feelings always get the better of me. They're scared of what's going to happen all the way in California.

I finished packing three hours later, saving the hard work of getting my PC packed for last. I got all of my bags downstairs after saying goodbye to the room that's been mine since birth.

"Brooke, are you excited to be on the beach all of the time? It's going to be so cool!" Lenny yelled in excitement. He didn't seem sad to be leaving his friends at all.

"Yeah, sure," I muttered.

My parents came down with their bags together, and I realized we were going. Kennedy and Livi were both in their cages and I sighed.

"Ready?" My dad asked us.

There was no answer from me but he nodded anyway, throwing the bags in the moving truck. The truck was bringing our stuff from our old house to the airport, and the airport staff had to transfer the stuff to the plane. We weren't touching any of our stuff until we got to our new home.

I grabbed my carry-on and hopped in the car, that was being driven up by my uncle and aunt a few days later. They were driving two cars to California, and one car back. They were getting the car from the airport, where we're leaving it.

Once we got to the airport, Faith and Lily were there waiting for me. I hugged them both tight and told them I'd call once I got to Cali. They cried and wished me the best of luck.

And then my family and I proceeded on, getting ready for our flight.


Our house was huge, and I had to remind myself I was rich for a second. Unpacking felt like forever, but a few days after we arrived we were finished, and I was supposed to go to my new school the next day.

I checked my PC, going on Twitter. I wasn't going to tweet anything obviously, but once in a while I like to check up on my friends.

@Graser10: @HBomb94 Hey H! I'm on Twitter right now!

@HBomb94: @Graser10 No duh, robot!

Will was tweeting too, and there was a picture attached to his most recent one. He was frowning in a selfie he took:

@Kiinqtonq: Me without my best friend, @FaithGames :/

They are making their love so obvious, and they aren't even dating. Yet. At least, I hope they'll start dating.

Jordan was tweeting Adele and my face tightened. How could he forgive her? I understand him but at the same time, I don't.

I always get an urge to tweet, but I never have the guts to do anything.

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