Chapter 9 - Brooke

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No more Jordan POV, so it's just Julio and Brooke's like last book :)


Chapter 9 - What You Would Least Expect

Sometimes when you're so caught up thinking about yourself, you forget that you have people you care about around you.

And May 31st was possibly one of the worst days of my life; the day I realized that I needed to start thinking about others.

The day started out normal, as most awful days do, at least for me. It seems like whenever I have an awful day, it would be a perfect one at first, and then something happens which fucks up everything.

It was a Sunday, and things were going good. It was a lazy day on my PC, chilling with Issac and Will on Teamspeak. They were playing CS:GO, a game that I own but rarely play. They offered to play with me but I denied, just screwing around on the Cube server, getting off-screen work done.

The Teamspeak channel was basically Will and Issac yelling as they played (mostly Issac). I was used to it, and it actually entertained me because the two of them together is priceless.

It went south from there, though.

My dad was downstairs, yelling at my mother about something. They were fighting. Thankfully my mic didn't pick it up, because it was pretty bad.

And unusual.

I muted my sounds and snuck downstairs, bracing myself for being attacked by my parents because of their problems.

"You were the one who let him go to his friend's house!" My mom yelled at my dad, tears streaming down her face.

"Isn't every father supposed to let their kid hang out with their friend?!" He responded, yelling angrily.

He was crying too.

Dad never cries.

"Mom? Dad?" I carefully descended down the steps, "What's going on? Where's Lenny?"

My parents turned to look at me instantly, not expecting me to be there.

"Oh, Brooke," my mom cried out, running to me and grasping my face.

"What's going on?" I asked, my anxiety at its top peak.

"Well, Lenny was out with a friend of his..." my mom barely let out, before bursting into tears.

"What your mother is trying to say is," my dad continued, "your brother was in his friend's car with his mother driving on the way back to their house... a truck swerved off it's lane and rammed into the side of the car; the side your brother was on... We just got the call now, Brookie."

No... Lenny...


"Please tell me I'm dreaming..." I breathed out.

The hurt expression on my parents' face showed me otherwise.

"H-he's not dead, is he?" I stuttered, praying that he was still here.

"No, but he's in critical condition at the hospital," my dad answered because my mom couldn't, "We were just about to get you and go to the hospital to see him, but your mother and I had a disagreement."

Critical condition. My brother could die.

My hands were shaking furiously. I nodded and ran straight to the car, and my parents followed.

Once we arrived, we rushed into the ER and were told to sit down and wait. They would notify the doctor that I was here and update us on the news.

We sat down in the waiting room for about 20 minutes, nervous about the results.

Everyone who was in the same position as us looked up when a doctor entered the waiting area. He looked at us with a look that made my heart drop.

Please no... My life could not possibly get any worse than it already is...

But it did.

And when the news that Lenny was dead filled my ears, I ran out of the hospital and down the road.


#RIPLenny ;(

sorry guys, it's a part of the plot.

it sucks.

i'm crying.


~Kerri xo~

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