Chapter 1 - Jordan

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There are some things that are in this chapter that are NOT ACTUALLY TRUE! This is FICTION! NONE OF WHAT IS IN THIS STORY IS REAL! OKAY? OKAY! TFIOS HA THATS AN OLD ONE

Chapter 1 - Unexpected Changes

"Wait... what?"

Brooke was in the bathroom of her new school, crying her eyes out to me over the phone.

Her entire school worshipped the Cube. I've never heard of that in my life. Why didn't he tell anyone? Did he want to keep the fame to himself, or is there another reason?

"I go to the same school as him, Jordan. My dad lied. I can't do this."

"But you can. Aren't you a stubborn bitch, Brooke? If he gives you a problem, kick his ass with words. No fist fights, though. Not a good idea."

"I lost all of my power. He took it away from me."

"You had enough power to return to YouTube and explain everything."

"But I didn't explain everything," she said.

"You explained how a person close to you broke you. That's a lot to admit to loads of people."

"I know, but this is me having to see him in person. I can't do that, Jordan."

"Ignore him. Pretend he's not there," I tried.

"With the entire school bugging me about his whereabouts and the fact that he probably knows I'm in the school, I don't think that's possible."

She burst out sobbing to me again. I felt sad that she had to go through this pain.

"You can do this, Brooke," I encouraged her.

"No I can't. I'm going home sick. I'll talk to you more then, I guess," she muttered.

"Okay, bye, I guess," I surrendered and hung up.

I sighed in defeat and looked around my room. I knew my brother was home and that I couldn't do anything while he was there. The vodka was in the corner hidden from plain sight and I couldn't wait to just wash all of the worries away once again.

I knew I had an alcohol problem. I'd gotten hooked right when I quit YouTube. I haven't told anyone and I just sit in my room getting drunk every day or two.

Okay, maybe every day.

Graser knew something was up. Will didn't even notice, but he did. He asked me every morning that I'm hungover if I was alright.

"Yeah, man. Hey, did you want to record that Lucky Block Wars now?" That was me this morning. I completely switched the subject.

"Jordan, I'm going out," my brother peeked his head in my door.


The front door slammed shut and I rushed over to where the alcohol was waiting.

Time to get wasted. (A/N: i'M SO SORRY I)


Seeing three of one thing was the first step. The second step was stumbling around. The third was forgetting about everything and focusing on the present (this was my favorite part), and finally, after too much alcohol, I just completely black out. This is the same every time.

I was on step three, sitting in my chair, shit-faced drunk. My thoughts were slurring and my only thought was on how hot Adele looked in that dress on our last date.

Shit, Adele! She would be coming in half an hour.

Ah, whatever.

I got up and headed to the living room, where Sam was lying on the couch. I tripped on my own two feet and fell onto the couch, where I started laughing crazily. Eventually my laughs turned into sobs, and soon enough, I was full on crying.

Go Away // Sequel to Stubborn (ThatOneTomahawk)Where stories live. Discover now