13. The Battle.

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Word had come, the diadem was destroyed, Severus had used the sword and destroyed it.

Then oldy moldy had marched on the castle, leading his death eaters, giants, werewolves, dementors and a lot of other creatures and people.

The order and Dumbledore's army gathered in the room of requirement, together they marched, to the great hall, where in a shock move, Snaoe turned on the Carrows and destroyed them in seconds.

The Slytherins were led to the dungeons, and Anna called for their guest, Dumbledore stepped into the hall, thanking Snape for spying and Anna for saving him.

The group split up, each group took their places, Anna pulled Fred to the side and whispered to him before running after Charlie.

The battle started in earnest, Dumbledore stayed where he was told, and still a secret, managed to take out a lot of death eaters, and save a lot of lives.

It seemed that Anna was everywhere, she took out a couple of death eaters, before they could get Tonks and Remus, managed to drag the Creevy boy into an alcove and then shoved him into the great hall to help madam Pomfrey, saving his life.

Anna couldn't save everyone, she knew she couldn't save her Uncle Sev, she had seen what would happen if she did, she had told him, what would happen to him, he had thanked her, updated his will, then removed the memory from his head.

The second oldy moldy called for a pause in the fight, she was pulling Charlie into the great hall, the Weasley's were gathered around Fred, who was injured instead of dead, Anna sighed in relief.

Anna pulled Charlie to a corner away from the main traffic and held his hands in hers.

"I love you Charlie, if I die, please take me home, and be happy. I don't want to, I don't plan to, but god Charlie, if I do, please, please be happy." Anna sobbed into his chest, she was scared, Harry was going to die and come back, but if she dies, she's dead.

"Don't Anna, oh god, don't. Don't die, but I promise, just like you promised me, but no, you wont die, I wont let you." Charlie said sinking to his knees and holding her tight.

"Aritianna Prince, my beautiful romani princess, on this day, into our third year, as per tradition, will you consent to be my betrothed, to be wed no sooner than our fourth year, no later than our sixth year." Charlie asked holding the traditional betrothal cuff in one hand and an engagement ring in the other.

The Weasley's had seen the entire conversation take place, and apart from Ron they looked confused, then after Charlie's proposal looked excited.

Anna nodded her head and joined Charlie on her knees before him, where she presented her hand holding the traditional romani betrothal cuff for Charlie, the couple laughed and plced the cuffs on the other.

Before the Weasley's could join them, Anna jolted back and closed her eyes, the entire Weasley clan head her words, said as a whisper.

"It's time."

Before their eyes, Charlie helped her stand and stood back, the entire hall now looked to them, in shock as Anna spun a circle and flared runes into the floor with nine sharp whistles, everyone felt the chill in the air as Anna sank into death, protected from everything inside her circle.

Charlie turned and led them out of the castle as oldy moldy was taunting them, Harry was in Hagrid's arms, but Charlie saw him twitch slightly, his mind was fully on the girl in the great hall, fighting the hardest battle, she had to stay in death while this played out, dragging all the horcrux soul fragments to her, holding them there, until moldy fully rejoined his soul together, and then they wiuld fight, until one died.

The next part was a blur, of fighting, and curses, he watched as Neville took off the snakes head with the sword of Gryffindor, he seemed to pull it out of thin air, it was then, that Harry played his part.

The second voldemort was dead Charlie rushed back to Anna, where he sat and waited, his family and their friends joined him, Dumbledore stood with them next to Remus wondering why she was in death for so long.

"What's going on Charlie?" Fleur asked quietly, the two girls had become friendly since the first time they met.

"Harry killed voldemort here, in person, his body. Anna had to rejoin his fractured soul and fight him in death, to ensure he can never return. It's a lot riskier, she had to be in death, to send Harry back, then stay there and gather his soul." Charlie explained, he watched as Anna started to shiver slightly.

It was close to an hour later when Charlie heard the first cracks of ice, ge waited knowing that the ice around Anna would crack if she died or if she lived, the second the ice vanished and her eyes opened Charlie let his tears flow.

Anna took two steps and after erasing her circle fell straight into Charlie's arms fast asleep, Charlie just held her and cried in relief.

"Why are you crying Charlie?" His mother asked.

"She could have died doing this mum, if she couldn't get him, she was going to ring Astarael and send them both to the ninth gate, if she did that, she would have held him and taken him through with her to final death." Charlie whispered.

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