12. Explanations.

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After breakfast was eaten Anna led the group back to her cabin, it was near Charlie's, but was decorated in true romani style, Charlie loved her house, it was warm and inviting.

It took Anna a few minutes to settle herself enough to start her story, and she did start her story, from her first time in death, to now.

How she had been about four, and was dreaming about death, but was also pulled into death, without her even knowing how, the Remus had found her and pulled her out.

She explained her Uncle Regulus, talking to her about Moldy being a monster, that there were seven, and he had one, hidden at his house.

She kept her explanations short, but full of detail, how she got flashes of the future, and saw the truth, the final battle, how it would he Harry vs Moldy.

But Moldy, had a trick. Horcruxes, seven of them, to kill him, each one had to be destroyed first.

"Dumbledore was going to set you three up to do that, destroy them, but I saw how bad it would be, torture, fighting, death, so I stopped it, we have found and destroyed all but three." She explained.

Anna waited for the explosion she knew was coming, she didn't have to wait long.

"How could you? That was my job to do, my task, my mission, and you did it instead." Harry yelled, Anna had to admit she was getting sick og his hatred of her.

"No." She said simply, said in such a way it shut Harry up intantly. "Your job, your mission, whatever you want to call it, is to destroy Moldy. That's all. The end." Anna said simply, then looked him in the eye.

"Three horcruxes left, fist a diadem, McGonagall is looking for that one, second his pet snake Nagini, will be killed during the battle, and lastly you." She said with a shrug.

"Your job, it to let Moldy kill you, then come back, and kill him. I have seen it, it's the only way to win." She said leaving her part out altogether.

The trio sat and stared  at each other, and at Anna and Charlie who were facing each other, playing some hand game with each other, which led to their fingers wrapped around together.

"What's your part in all this? Because I know, you wouldn't be telling us, if you didn't have a part to play." Hermione asked, with a smirk on her face.

"It's simple Hermione, my part, is to send Harry back to life, and then, battle the dead horcrux parts, and send them to the last gate, so that he can never return." She said with a small shrug.

Hermione looked at her confused, until the door opened and the romani charter mage entered, ready to teach her, to prepare her, so she would survive.

"You're training to be a free mage?" Hermione asked then smiled, "do you think that will be enough?" She added  with snark.

"No, I'm training to be a charter mage." She said leaving with her trainer without a look back.

"She could die doing this, and you are belittling her? Do you truly need to tear her down? What did she do to any of you?" Charlie asked getting to his feet to make them lunch.

Ron sat and truly thought about it, Anna had done nothing, other than be close to Snape, but she had done nothing mean, she had even helped him with homework when they were alone.

Hermione was honest with herself enough to admit, she only hated Anna because she was smarter, and seemed to find school easy.

Harry was still in denial, Anna was evil, the end, no questions asked.

What Harry didn't know, and that Anna did, was that his hatred and belief of Anna, would save her life, his life and ensure the downfall of oldy moldy.

When Anna returned hours later, she was pale and shaking, she could hardly stand up and was almost blue with cold.

Hermione realised, school wasn't easy for Anna, she worked harder than anyone, she just did it quietly and behind the scenes.

Charlie picked Anna up and sat her in front of the fire, he removed his cardigan and wrapped it around her before going to the kitchen and coming back with a huge mug of hot chocolate for her.

"Was it the dead, or a rogue mage?" He asked while supporting her to keep her upright.

"Uncle Reg, he decided to help train me, I had to send him in and out of gates, and Vano decided to train me in the first gate on swordplay and bell ringing." She said with a small groan stretching her fingers out.

Hermione watched Anna carefully over the next week, if she wasn't working with the dragons, she was studying ir training, she had time to play with the kids when they asked and, she had handed Hermione her year seven books, so Hermione could at least study.

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