4. The Aftermath.

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After the ministry had questioned her father, and Peter, they took Peter and her father to finalise her fathers freedom, the rest went back to their common rooms.

The golden trio still avoided her in the last weeks of school, her father had purchased Harry a firebolt broom, he had sent Harry letters, and sorted out with Dumbledore when Harry could go to Grimauld Place, there was however, nothing for her.

Anna sat back and watched as her father did anything and everything for Harry, she had no idea where she was going to be living at the end of the year, she knew she couldn't live with Uncle Sev, or Uncle Moony, maybe she would go back to her mothers cottage.

It was four weeks into holiday break when the Weasley family descended onto Grimauld to visit with Harry and Sirius, the twin were excited to see Anna, it was a surprise when they arrived to find Harry lounging around looking happy, but no Anna.

It took the twins another two weeks to get Sirius away from Harry long enough to ask where Anna was, it was unlucky for Sirius that their mother happened to overhear them.

It was almost the end of break before they found Anna, in a small cottage living alone practising her fourth year magic, as well as sixth year magic, she was living well by herself, her house was small, clean, well stocked with food and had a beautiful herb and flower garden.

Molly was happily surprised at the sight before her, she had expected to find the girl starving and dirty, instead she found her in better shape than most adults, the twins were at her side and Molly listened carefully to her story.

Sirius had spent so much time and money on Harry, he had forgotten his own daughter, drained the bank vaut by a large amout to buy him a firebolt, locked the vault to everyone except himself and Harry, leaving her with nothing.

Luckily her Uncle had split the vault, putting half in a personal vault in her name, he had added her mothers money to her vault and added some of his own funds to it.

Anna was also muggle taught enough to sell some wares at a nearby weekend market, she had a lot of customers, some of them even ordered from her through the week, she was able to make a good muggle income to feed herself.

Molly had to admit that the girl was beautiful, and smart from what she could tell, the twins seemed to like her, and considering that her father had passed her over for a boy who hated her, she was beyond kind.

Molly left the twins in her care, after discovering that she was connected to the flu network, meaning they could come and go as needed, before she left she noticed Anna teaching the twins how to sort her herbs as she picked them.

The aftermath of Mollys visit with Anna, was Sirius getting his ear yelled off, having every wrong choice about his daughter thrown in his face, and at the end of her rant, having Snape arrive, looking for Anna, as he was her father, and should be caring for her.

Harry hearing his saviour being yelled at, tried defending him, trying to place all blame on Anna, he was politely told to mind his own business by Molly, and rudely reminded that Anna was Sirius' daughter by Snape.

Remus ripped into Sirius as soon as he arrived, reminded him that Aritianna was his last living link to his dead wife Tianna, that Anna had watched her own mother die.

He also pulled Harry up, reminding him that while Sirius was his godfather, he was Anna's father, and that by ignoring her, she had been living alone all holiday break, with no adult help.

Sirius seemed to realise his mistake, but in a tale as old as time, it was too little, too late, Anna had ensured her safety by signing herself into the custody of Tonks, her cousin, Tonks was allowing her to live independently on the condition that surprise visits would happen, as well as weekly dinners.

The Weasley family invited her to the quiddich world cup, she declined, not wanting to spend any time with the golden trio, instead she went with Remus, while he gathered supplies for his new teaching position as a bell necromancer or abhorsen.

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