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(5 months later)

I was currently 7 and a half months pregnant, the twins were growing rapidly and my body was being stretched in a new way. My small frame wasn't entirely accommodating for 1 baby, let alone 2 but our monthly scans at the doctors were going well and our babies were extremely healthy.

The doctor had requested that I rest as much as possible so Jughead has made me housebound once more. I groaned when he suggested this as last time when he did, I was bored out of my mind.

When I woke up this morning Jughead wasn't next to me, I looked around the room and saw the bathroom light was on. I eased back onto the bed with a hand on my stomach and I felt both babies were kicking.

At our 5 month scan we found out the genders of both babies, Veronica and Cheryl planned my shower as the gender reveal and once again we made 2 new paintings for the babies. Me and Jughead had agreed that I would name one baby and he could name the other, and we found out that we are having one boy and one girl. Jughead had of course been amazing and had sorted out the nursery for them, we decided that they would share until they were a bit older. It was coming up to Christmas and so it was starting to become stressful around our house but as promised Veronica and Archie offered there assistance and have been taking Ally and Hunter for a walk or to there's once a week.

It was a week before Christmas, all the Christmas shopping had been done and I was on wrapping duty or at least the best I could. I was seated on the sofa on the Monday before Christmas, Jughead was working and the kids were with Veronica until Jughead was home. For the last few days I had been cramping quite a lot, this was normal within the third trimester as the babies would normally been moving into a more comfortable position for labor. I winced and moved my hand to rest on the top of my stomach and I whispered 'hey you two, behave' the pain subsided and I didn't think anymore of it.

Within the next few hours I had once again hidden the presents, Jughead soon walked in with ally and hunter following after him. 'Hi mummy' ally said to me while walking into the kitchen to hug me, I smiled and said 'hi baby, how was your afternoon with auntie Veronica?' She smiled and said 'it was good, she took me and hunter to the park' I smiled and then hunter ran over to me. 'Mummy, mummy, auntie ronica gave me sticker' I smiled and said 'oh wow, that's so cool. Can you both go and wash your hands for me, ready for dinner?' They both nodded and I watched as hunter chased after Ally into the bathroom ready to wash there hands. 'You sit down' I heard Jughead say while he walked into the kitchen, I smiled and said 'it's fine, I'm just cooking their dinner' he sighed and then walked over to me. He kisses my lips gently and then says 'sit down, I won't ask you again' I smiled slightly and then nodded. I took a seat and watched as Jughead plated the food up, ally and Hunter came back to the kitchen and took there seats at the table. Jughead handed them there plates and then I felt another sharp pain at the top of my stomach, I took in a breath and Jughead said 'you alright betts?' I smiled and said 'yeah, yeah I'm good, just been having some pains recently. It's okay' Jughead walked into the dining room and said 'how long have you had these pains for?' I shrugged and said 'they started this morning, they pass quickly but there getting more uncomfortable' he smiled and said 'baby, are they contractions?' My eyes widened and I said 'no, no. Jug, it's too soon. I can't be in labor...' just as I finished talking another pain came and he said 'okay, I'm going to fetch dad and then I'll call the midwife. Everything will be okay baby, we were warned about this, it happens a lot of times with twins, they'll be okay' I nodded and watched as Jughead rushed to get his dad. Ally looked at me and said 'mummy, what's wrong?' I smiled and said 'nothing sweetheart, but mummy and daddy might have to go to the hospital tonight. So grandpa will look after you' she shrugged and said 'why you going to the hospital?' I smiled and said 'well, it might be time for the babies to come home and mummy needs to go to the hospital so I can have them' she nodded and then Jughead walked back in with FP and Gladys following. I smiled at them both and then Jughead helped me to stand up, 'I want to walk' he nodded and said 'I'm just going to call the midwife quickly' I nodded and he took out his phone. I heard the one sided conversation and then he hung up the phone. 'Okay, well the midwife has said that because it's early she wants you at the hospital as soon as possible, but she also said not to worry. This might be labor or it could be the beginning stages and it could still be a few weeks' I nodded and then watched as Jughead grabbed the babies bags.

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