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I woke up this morning to a very lively 3 year old jumping on me. I smiled widely and pulled her to my chest, I felt her ease into my hug and then she moved so she was sitting on my lap, I brushed her messy hair out of her face and she signed Juggies for breakfast mummy I smiled and nodded my head. Her eyes lit up and she signed back talk? I nodded my head and reached onto my bedside table to grab her hearing aid. When it was on she hopped off the bed and said 'mummy, time get ready now' I laughed and said 'in a minute Ally, now come and give mummy a hug?' She smiled before climbing back onto the bed and wrapping her arms around my neck. I laid back down on the bed and kissed my little girl until she was laughing uncontrollably. 'Okay, go and brush your teeth please' I said while kissing ally's head once more. She nodded her head and ran into the bathroom.

I got up and changed into my overalls, it was a nice day out so I put on my short ones and then tied my hair back into a ponytail. When Ally came back in I was just grabbing her some clothes. I quickly got her changed and then packed her a bag of toys and colouring books that would keep her entertained while I was fixing Jughead's truck.

I grabbed my phone and typed in Jughead's address to my maps. We started to walk and after about 5 minutes I picked Ally up as she was getting distracted by everything on the pathway. She didn't mind though as she just fiddled with my necklace and cuddled down into my chest.

After 10 more minutes of walking we finally arrived outside his house. It was really nice, there was a big tree that sat outside where a swing hung from it. We walked up the driveway and saw the garage open and there sat Jughead's motorcycle and his truck, we walked up to the door and I asked Ally to knock. A minute later Jughead had opened the door and Ally was reaching for him. He smiled widely while inviting me inside.

His house wasn't huge but it was much bigger than mine and Cheryl's cosy apartment. He lead us through to the kitchen island where he had everything set up for pancakes. Ally started clapping and then said 'pancakes!' I laughed slightly and saw the grin that Jughead had planted on his face.

We sat having breakfast, me and Jughead were talking about his truck and the bar while Ally stuffed her face with pancakes. She had maple syrup all around her mouth by the time she was done, I walked over to her chair and wiped her mouth, 'will you be okay while mummy goes and fixes the truck?' She smirked and nodded her head, 'I play with 'uggie' she said while running over to him. I smiled as I watched him grab a blanket and her bag and gesturing for me to follow them outside. He laid the blanket down on the lawn outside and then grabbed Ally a colouring book before kneeling next to her and saying 'I'll be back in a minute Al, just need to show your mummy something' she nodded her head and then stood up, she reached to his head and removed his beanie and placed it on her head instead. She laughed and I watched as his smirk grew 'its looks better on you anyway' he said while standing back up.

We walked over to his garage and he showed me where the majority of things were, he told me about the problems that he was having with the truck and what he had tried to do. 'I'm sure I can figure it out for you but it might take longer than a day depending on the damage I see when I go under the hood' he smirked and said 'that's fine with me, gives me more of an excuse to see you and Ally' I tried to hide the blush that appeared and then I said 'if you want your hat back don't be afraid to ask. She shouldn't have taken it without saying something first' he laughed slightly and said 'I don't mind, whenever I carry her anywhere she plays with it so if she wants to play with it she can' I smiled and nodded my head. I walked around the truck to go and stand next to him when my foot got caught on a tool box lying on the floor. I lost my balance slightly and fell straight into Jughead, he quickly wrapped his arms around me to help me keep my balance. I gripped his arm and he helped me to my feet again, his arms stayed wrapped around my waist and I noticed the close proximity of our bodies. My breathing heavy and I could see the want in his eyes, he licked his lips before dropping his gaze from my eyes to my mouth. I bit my lip slightly and his eyes locked with mine again. My arms slowly made there way to around his neck and I leant in slowly, he copied my movements until our foreheads were touching. My breathing still heavy as he went to lean in again and I prepared myself for the feeling of his lips on mine. As his lips brushed mine Ally yelled ' 'uggie? Mummy?' I quickly escaped his grip and he cleared his throat, I stood a foot away from him and crossed my arms in front of me. I felt a blush on my face and then watched as his hand rose up to brush the back of his neck, a prominent blush on his face too. He said quietly 'I better let you work' and then he turned on his heels and headed towards the blanket where Ally was lying. I watched as when he laid down next to Ally she threw herself on top of him, laughing as she went. I smiled to myself before turning around and trying to distract myself away from what had happened 5 minutes before.

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