Chapter 37

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Author's POV

"Welcome back Jungkook" said Jiwoon making Jungkook halt on his steps.

Jungkook gritted his teeth. Clenching his jaw he turned to face Jiwoon, who was smiling so innocently as if nothing really happened.

When Jiwoon saw Jungkook didn't respond, he mentally smirked to himself.

"How was your little trip Jungkook? Did you have fun?" Jiwoon asked again while Jungkook was trying not to lose his temper.

"Cut the act Jiwoon" Jungkook managed to say through gritted teeth.

"Act? What are you talking about Jungkook?" Jiwoon asked sounding confused as if he doesn't know anything.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about" Jungkook glared at Jiwoon who dropped the smile he used to hold in front of Jungkook before he decided to play his game face to face, before he put up that little act with Jimin while he was... unconscious

What happened that time was, Jiwoon told Jimin to take his pills and go to sleep, handing him water (chap: 35)

Ofcourse it wasn't some normal water that he gave to Jimin. Jiwoon drugged him and that is the reason why Jimin experienced a severe headache right after waking up.

Jiwoon smirked knowing that he doesn't have to continue his oh so sweet! or oh such a nice guy! act anymore.

"Oh~ Are you talking about your husband cheating on you? How sad" Jiwoon said putting up a fake sad face. Jungkook clenched his fists, tasting the bitterness his heart is oozing.

Jungkook walked towards Jiwoon saying, "Never once in my life ever I thought you would end up like this" Jungkook spat with full venom.

Jiwoon chuckled. "Ofcourse you didn't because you are blind Jungkook" Jiwoon said and continued, "But damn Jungkook!! What a piece of art you have got there. Oh how I would love to ruin that masterpiece"

Jungkook shot him a killing glare. If looks could kill then Jiwoon would have been dead by now.

"Don't. You. Dare" Jungkook's voice changed. Something that would instantly send shivers in your whole body.

However, Jiwoon didn't take his words seriously and let out another chuckle,"He's already ruined Jungkook. Ruined by me. You should have seen how I was banging the life out of hi-"
"YOU-" Jiwoon was cut off by Jungkook but Jiwoon didn't let him finish his sentence either.

"Jungkook. Jungkook. Jungkook" Jiwoon let out a loud sigh and continued, "I'm not really in a mood for a fight okay? I was actually here to tell you how your husband is some mental patient. He's seeing things. While you were gone he saw something and screamed. Pfft when I went to him there was nothing. I also heard how this isn't the first time he's seeing things. Tsk. Clearly he's hallucinating. Take him to some mental asylum before things get worse. Not like I care. Honestly, who would even want a mentally ill person as their partner. I would seriously understand if you leave him. Before I came to know this, I thought I'll keep him with me forever, but now that I know how he is, I'll just have some fun and-" Jiwoon was cut off by Jungkook who aggressively grabbed his collar.

"One more word against him and I wouldn't think twice before burying you alive" Jungkook spat with a menacing tone which made Jiwoon shut up immediately with a gulp.

Jungkook let go of his collar with a push. He turned around to walk away but stopped as he remembered something. "One more thing, I want you out of my house till next morning. If I see you here, you wouldn't see the next sunrise" Jungkook then walked away leaving Jiwoon speechless.

Later Jungkook walked towards the dining room and saw how Jimin's food was left untouched.

Jungkook let out a sigh feeling guilty for shouting at him. Jimin is sensitive and this would've hurt him.

Jungkook started looking for Jimin again. Once he reached the living room Jungkook saw how Jimin was sleeping on the couch in an uncomfortable position without even a pillow or a blanket, clearly shivering in his sleep because of the cold weather.

Jungkook shook his head while letting out another sigh mumbling 'idiot' under his breath.

He picked Jimin up bridal style and walked upstairs to their room. Jungkook carefully laid Jimin on bed covering him with a blanket.

Jungkook caressed Jimin's cheek with so much love and tenderness. Jimin looked so innocent and pure.

Who knew behind this innocence is a cheater Jungkook thought while letting out a bitter scoff. But no matter what he couldn't bring himself to hate Jimin. He sure wanted to punish Jimin for what he had done behind his back but now that he himself...

Jungkook can't bring himself to look straight into Jimin's eyes knowing what he had done.

He wonders how Jimin acts as if he didn't do anything wrong. Jungkook wished he could behave normally like nothing happened, but he can't. His brain comes up with flashes of Jimin being naked in Jiwoon's arms and he himself cheating on Jimin with his friend.

Jungkook had totally forgotten about Mina.

How was he going to face her??

-to be continued

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