Chapter 19

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Author's POV

Jimin got out after parking his car, skipping happily towards Jungkook's office with a lunch box in his right hand.

The moment he entered the said male's office, he was greeted by some employees whom he happened to know since he used to come here often before marriage and getting a job.

"Hey Jimin! It's been so long dude how are you" said one of the worker giving a friendly hug to Jimin.

"Ah yes it's been a while. I haven't been getting time since I have a job too so..." he replied scratching the back of his neck shyly.

"Dude, what happened to your head?" said the man noticing the bandage on his forehead.

"Um nothing really, just a small accident, that's it"

"Be careful dude. And what am I seeing? Is that a lunch box? Hmmmm for Jungkook hunh" he said wiggling one of his eyebrows in a teasing manner.

"Ah yes I was free today so why not?"  Jimin replied, smiling brightly.

"What a lovely husband Jungkook has got. Lucky guy. Anyway he's in his office go and see him before the break starts. I have to go now. Bye" the man said before walking away.

Jimin started heading towards Jungkook's office with a smile plastered on his face.

Oh my God! Kookie is going to be so happy! Sure he'll scold me for not getting rest, BUT I know, he'll be happy to see me.

The thought itself was making Jimin smile ear to ear as he almost reached his husband's cabin.

Jimin saw the door was almost half open. He was about to enter but stopped when he heard....

"Jungkook... Don't get me wrong...but... Um... Do you think Jimin is mentally unstable?"

Upon hearing this, he frowned.

What the... Who's this girl talking about me? And what is she saying?! She thinks I'm mad? The hell!

"What? No, What are you saying Mina? That's impossible. Don't be ridiculous"

Jimin smiled to himself, hearing Jungkook supporting him even though, there was some uncertainty in his voice.

"I know Jungkook, I can be wrong but think about it. Whatever is happening, is only and only visible to Jimin. Why no one else can see that?" he heard the girl saying, as a frown again replaced that smile.

Jimin was waiting for Jungkook to deny it...


Jungkook didn't say anything

He was just looking down.

Jungkook say something... Jimin

"I'm not forcing you to believe what I'm saying, but I think Jimin is not a mentally stable person"

He was still waiting for Jungkook's response.

But nothing seemed to come out of his mouth.

Why are you not saying anything Jungkook-ah? Do you... Do you also think I'm mentally ill..
Tears started making it's way out from his eyes

"You should take him to a doctor before its too late" Jimin heard her adding since Jungkook remained silent looking like he was starting to believe it, but just afraid to admit.

So you really think I'm not well hunh?
A bitter chuckle escaped Jimin's lips as he continued to silently shed tears.

He saw Mina and Jungkook getting up from their seats to head to the canteen.

Jimin hurriedly wiped off his tears and put a fake smile, not wanting to show his sad face, as he saw Jungkook looking at him surprised.

"Jimin?! What are you doing here? Why are you not at home resting?" Jungkook asked, voice laced with concern.

"I'm okay now Kookie. I just came here with lunch for you. You must be tired of eating canteen's food"

"Jiminie, you really didn't have to. You should be resting now" he said.

"I'm seriously alright Kookie and now take this" Jimin said, handing over the lunch box in his hand.

Jungkook happily took the box and saw Mina standing there awkwardly.

"Oh Mina, this is Jimin, my lovely husband and Jimin this is Mina, my friend" Mina politely smiled and said
"It's so nice to finally meet you Jimin.
Jungkook talks about you everyday to me" she then proceeded to give Jimin a hug.

Jimin blinked his eyes, still fazed by the sudden hug and before he could return it, she pulled away,
"You are really pretty like how Jungkook says" she said smiling sincerely

Jimin forced a smile and said, "You guys carry on. I'll take my leave. Taehyung must be waiting. He'll get worried if I'll go home late"

Jungkook gave him a warm smile and pecked his cheek, "Take care, now go and rest"

Jimin forced a smile again and walked straight towards his car.

While walking, his mind was clouded with thoughts of Jungkook thinking of him as a mentally ill person.

He was thinking about all the possible what if's.

What if Jungkook really thinks I'm a mad person

What if he thinks our relationship is unhealthy

What if one day he'll get tired of me

I mean who would want someone like me.

He chuckled bitterly as he thought of something and got in the car, driving off to home.

Meanwhile, Taehyung was watching some show on Netflix with a bowl of popcorn in his hand, and a half empty soda bottle on the table.

His phone suddenly rang as he frowned slightly looking at the caller ID.
"Yeoboseyo manager-nim"
"Taehyung-ssi, if you don't mind I want to meet you right now. Can you come at Hola cafe"
"Is something important?"
"Actually yes. I won't take your time much, just 30 minutes"

Taehyung looked at the clock and saw it was just 1:25pm. There was still more than half an hour for Jimin to come back as he said he'll take an hour.

"Okay, I'm coming" he said ending the call and walked out, heading towards the said cafe not before warning the guard to keep an eye on Jimin in case he comes home before him.

Almost 10 minutes later, Jimin reached home with a tear stained face. He just couldn't think of anything else.

What happened in the office was all that was playing in his mind.

Jimin opened the door and walked in. He saw that Taehyung wasn't actually there as he already got an idea of him not being home because the latter's car wasn't there in the parking lot.

Jimin's mood was still off. A frown clearly evident on his face, indicating that he was controlling himself to not burst out.

Jimin saw the half empty soda bottle and gulped down the remaining drink wanting to get his mind off of what he heard.

He just wanted to go and sleep his thoughts off as he started walking towards his bedroom.

He was about to climb the stairs when the lights went off as he heard...

Ring-a-ring o' roses~~

-to be continued

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