Chapter 2

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But, just as Jimin was about to get inside, he saw a silhouette of a man on the opposite side of his car, and the person seemed to be looking straight at him. Jimin couldn't help but feel goosebumps blooming across his skin.

It's so cold

Tunnelling his eyes, Jimin tried to see past the transparency of the glass windows of his car. His attempts however futile as the streetlight above the person was flickering, barely making anything visible.

His train of thought was cut off by another gush of wind ruthlessly brushing his pale skin. Teeth chattering, the blond-haired male shrugged the eerie feeling off, unbeknownst to the man still staring at his every move.

Sighing, the blond-haired male opened the car door, just about to take a step inside, and that's when the flickering streetlight fully turned on, the lights emitting off it bright enough for Jimin to see the face of the odd man looking at him.

Heart lurching in his chest, the entirety of his body froze, mouth hung open just like his wide eyes. Jimin could feel tears prickle at his eyes, his brain suddenly processing the rapid pulsating of his heart and the big swoops of his stomach.

He couldn't believe his eyes. He refused to accept it.

It... It can't be him...

No way...

But, he was there. Jimin could see him.

Heart dropping, Jimin took a staggering step backwards when the man started walking towards him with a sinister smile on his face. Jimin was no longer frozen, rather he felt his entire being shaking, though his legs felt heavy, almost like they were paralyzed.

However, before the person could reach him, Jimin stumbled inside the car, unsteady hands struggling to twist the ignition key. A shaky sob left his lips when the man stopped in front of his car to look at him through the transparent glass front.

He was smiling at him.

Biting his lips to prevent a shriek, Jimin somehow managed to reverse the car before dashing to the way to his house. Tears prickle at his eyes, eyelids fluttering in a desperate attempt to clear his vision. He could feel his head going numb, so much that he couldn't care about the fact that he had almost hit an electric pole. The only thing he wanted to do was reach the safety of his house and call for Jungkook.


Glancing up at the clock, the ravenette let out an exasperated sigh, followed by his throaty, tired groan. It was almost 9 pm and he could feel his stomach grumbling in discomfort and impatience.

A pout played on his lips as he fiddled with the papers in his hand. He knew Jimin wouldn't eat dinner until Jungkook returned home. The very thought made him hurry with his work. Though only a few seconds after, he heard a feeble knock on his cabin door.

"Come in!"

Bowing, a long-haired brunette stepped inside with an apologetic smile on her face. Furrowing his brows, "Um... Do you need something, Mina?" He inquired.

"Actually, sir has called everyone from the production department for an urgent meeting. I know this is a little sudden but it's important."

He groaned.

"Seriously? At this hour? When will he understand we have a life outside the company?" His childish whines were followed by him hitting his head on his desk multiple times, the other person in the room almost giggling at his behaviour.

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