Chapter 1

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"Wait for me, I'll be back before you know it.. I promise" he wipes his tear before you can see it, you nod back knowing if you said anything you'd break down into tears.
"I love you" are the last words he says to you before he turns around and boards his plane
"I love you too" you whisper

2 years earlier
"Harry, wake up!" You laugh "it's 2pm, anddddd it's your birthday!" You shake his arm but only earn grunt
"Shhh, I'm getting old now I need my beauty sleep" he mumbles keeping his eyes closed as he turns over in the bed, wrapping himself up in the duvet
"Fine.. no bacon and pancakes for you then.. me and Tessa will eat them" you smirk knowing it'll get him up
"Bacon AND pancakes?" He opens one eye
"Only if you get there before me and Tess" you walk towards the door. Harry instantly unwraps himself and runs past you and downstairs.
"Jaquie and Tom are coming over before we head out to the meal tonight, we're gonna have a couple of drinks, so be ready for about 4pm" you walk up behind him and kiss the back of his head as he tucks Into the freshly made pancakes and bacon, he nods and speaks with his mouthful "that gives us some alone time"
You smiles sweetly and grab your cup of tea and sip before nodding.

Harry soon leans back holding his stomach
"God.. I'm stuffed, that's was lovely Thankyou darling" he smiles in your direction
"You're welcome love, now come open your presents" you grin before walking into the living room and sitting on the sofa crossed legged, all his presents stacked perfectly on the coffee table
"Oh wow, you shouldn't have gotten me so much babe" he grins walking after you with a cup of seriously horrific milky tea
You laugh "just come and open them"
"seems you're more excited about them"he grins before sitting next to you and grabbing the biggest box and unwrapping it, revealing a brand new rucksack which is a camera bag
"Oh my gosh! This is going to be perfect for all the shoots with Tom abroad coming up" he grins opening the bag and examining it "this is sick!"
You smile placing a hand on his thigh "open the rest darling" you smile
His grin stays massive as he unwraps all the presents resulting in 3 new camera lenses, a new tripod and new travel mug.
As soon as he's packed the new equipment into his new bag he turns and places a kiss on your lips
"Thankyou so much, I love you so much" he grins "this was way to much but I love it so much"
"You're welcome darling" you can't help but grin at how happy he is
"Well I'm gonna grab a shower before the others come" it's so obvious that he can't contain his happiness and it makes you smile
"Okay darling, do you want another tea when you're done?"
"No, I'm good thanks" he smiles and kisses the top of your head before walking upstairs and jumping into the shower.
You sit and scroll through the recent uploads by many of Harrys fans wishing him a happy birthday, you smile at all the photos of him when he was a baby. You stop scrolling as you see a selfie of you and him that he had taken on your first date, you choose to like it and comment "I love this photo, it was taken on our first date 🥰"

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