20. Now they're conjoined from 25 to life!

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I posted a Damien x Zodiac on my Instagram account by the way! The example with my sign is right up over there in the media section! Wahoo!

Also, reminder: we have an epilogue right after this chapter, so don't forget to slide back down (or to your right if you read that way) after this one.

That's all for now. Courtney's POV, this chapter has a whopping 3700+ words, and see ya!


Okay, Courtney. You can do this.

"Hello there, Courtney!" Atty. George greets me with an embrace as he exits his office. "Today's the day, huh?"

"Yep," I mumble, returning his hug. "Well, um... I'm not sure if Shayne's arrived at court already, but if he hasn't, we'll just pick him up at the office."

"Ah, very well then," he replies as we get into my car and I start the engine. "How are you feeling? You must be a bit excited to finally be able to start dating again."

"Uh, I dunno," I tell him. "I honestly don't know, but maybe. We just have to get this over with, right?"

It's been two weeks since Ian, Rhett, and Link gave us their decision for our sanction, two weeks since I moved into my new apartment, and two weeks since I told Shayne I was in love with him only for us to lose in the end. Right before we went back to work, I just couldn't pull my shit together. I didn't want to wait one more month just to get the divorce over with, so I asked Atty. George if we could quicken up the process. I couldn't bear seeing Shayne at work and know that we would be divorced soon for an entire month, and thankfully, the advance was granted and we're headed to court today.

Emotionally, of course, I haven't been okay. Everyone at the office was enlightened about our situation, but Ian cut the whole falling in love thing out of the announcement. I didn't want to let anyone see that I was hurting because the divorce was pushing through, but when I finally got the chance to tell Olivia, I just had to break down. And it was such a relief to finally be able to tell someone else other than my family that I felt like heaven and hell decided to clash just to break me.

Shayne texts me though, so I give it a read.

From: Shayne "The Rock" Bottom
Hey, I had a flat tire. It may be a bit inconvenient, but can you pick me up at Mythical? My bad.

From: Courtney Long Knee
Yeah, sure, I'm with Atty. George right now. We'll be there in a bit.

From: Shayne "The Rock" Bottom
Nice, thanks so much.

"So we'll be picking Shayne up at the office," I inform Atty. George, who's playing some game on his phone.

"Oh, nice, so I can discuss to you both how it'll be going down in court," he replies, putting his phone back in his pocket. "You two are such good friends, you know? Not to be invasive or anything, but... if you were given the chance to actually marry Shayne, would you do it?"

I laugh a little to ease my mood and answer, "Yeah, maybe. He's a great guy, Attorney. He literally lights up any room he walks into, he brings smiles on everyone's faces, he's that kind of guy you'd only see in the movies because he's so different and kind and sweet... I mean, yeah, maybe. If given no other option. Haha. Just my sentiments."

Awkward. Atty. George laughs it off anyway and says, "Well, he is indeed a great person. And so are you. Working with you two has been an absolute delight, and I hope we keep in touch after the case."

"Of course," I assure him, smiling. "You've really saved our asses."

"It's my job, Courtney. And it's a great job."

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