22 :: auburn red

273 20 15

It's bright tiled walls that he sees around him when he opens his eyes. Jungkook wakes up with a throbbing pain in his shoulders and finds himself drifting back to sKimp.

But he couldn't. Not just yet. Not when he looks ahead to see you asKimp against his sides, his hand encased in your delicate ones. It's soft and protective. 

Your fingers interdigitates around his fingers  and it's calming. Like a gentle breeze hitting him. Like the soft waves hitting the shores. 

God, aren't you beautiful!

He drifts back to darkness in comfort. He would wake up again, happy and with a promise of something more. That alone is soothing for Jeon Jungkook in the minute, enough to forget the throbbing ache in his shoulder. 

You holding his hand in this moment made him feel infinite.


Jungkook wakes up again a day after that. He lies in a stiff bed in the same while tiled hospital room he had seen briefly.

He looks around and sees you sitting in the chair by his bed, overjoyed at finding him awake. You flip your hair, pretend to look fine but Jungkook knows how much you shared his pain with him.

"Hey there," you chuckle lowly. "Glad to see that you're awake. You had us worried there."

Jungkook nudges at you to help him sit up and you do. He touches his bandages lightly and wince, mumbling, "That's going to leave a bad mark."

"Wear it like a badge of honor." You laugh. "The body armour softened the blow so it didn't go in that deep but it has bruised the hell out of your lungs.

"You look shit."


"You should go rest. How long have you been here?"

"Three days." Gasp. 

"You're an idiot."

"Uh huh."

The two of you laugh. Jungkook holds his shoulder at the impact of jerking his body but he feels nice, sharing this moment with you.

"Is Xiaojun alright?"

You nod. "Captain's taking him out for lunch. He said he wants to get back to work as soon as possible and that staying away from it is making him go crazy."

"Damn. So Taehyung's—"

"Yeah," you frown. "Drowned. Kinda poetic, right?"

Jungkook tries moving to his side to look at you properly but the pain surges up and he visibly winces, you leaning forward quickly to help him, mumbling something around the lines of you're an idiot. 

"How long was I out for?"

"Three days tops." You stayed with him throughout. His heart beats quicker. His pupils dilate and he looks at you with nothing but love. "You say some pretty funny stuff when you're doped," you laugh, the skin by your eyes crinkling and cheekbones rising. 


"You asked me to marry you," you blush.


"Yeah. You also wanted ten kids and that's a lot, man."

"You're not denying anything else?" He cocks an eyebrow.

"No comments."

Falling in love with Jungkook is the easy part; it's admitting to yourself that it happened that's hard. You've had these very efficient defences for so long and Jungkook noticed them. How rude. Jungkook guessed that they were meant for others and that he had his own door. You could have asked why, but what's the point? Jungkook's here and you are so glad, even if you're sometimes hiding, imagining a distance instead of seeing you right there. But you'll take a step forward with every two steps he takes. 

"Can I kiss you?" He blurts out and it's a soft laugh that leaves your lips that makes Jungkook blush.

"Are you still doped?"

"No, just in awe of the fact that I think you're awesome."

"Then, sure." And you lean forward.

You hold Jungkook gently, cupping his face with one hand. You lean forward, preventing him from moving and hurting himself; softly kiss the tender area at the base of his neck, first. He laughs and you feel him vibrate under your hold.

The trembles shake your body just as his and the euphoric warmth blossom within you once more, entwining around your heart, creeping through you. He is breathless with delight as you shower him with gentle, soft kisses, each with its own flicker of warmth, over and over again on his lips, drawing each kiss out. 

You gaze at him, slowly caressing the skin by his jaws. Jungkook looks at you lovingly, his eyes softening with tenderness laced with something simply more than that. He tilts your head to the side and kisses you, leaning forward slightly and wincing against your lips.

"Idiot," you laugh as you pull at your lips with yours. You press another chaste kiss and pull back, sitting by the side of his bed.

Jungkook looks at you like you hold a key to a whole new world of happiness for him. With your eyes twinkling, red lips curving up and your classic black thigh high boots hitting the floor as you laugh, he hasn't been more sure than this.

"Allow me to take you out on a date."

"I'd love that."

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