07 :: copper red

196 19 2

Jungkook drives his car, and the two of you sit in silence letting the music fill the air. There isn't anything to talk about because what you did was an act of professionalism. The moment required your quick thinking and what you did was merely a result of that quick thinking. Luckily, Jungkook doesn't comment on it either. Fifteen minutes later, he steers his vehicle into a vacant parking lot.

"Quite exposed, aren't we?" You chortle.

"The guy probably wanted it that way. Maybe he wanted to scope it out before he made the exchange." Jungkook unbuckles his seat belt and looks at you. "Also, I loved the performance back there."

So, we are talking about it, ah, you think.

"Yeah," you chuckle nervously. "About that?"

"No," Jungkook shakes his head. "It genuinely felt nice to see you act on instincts. It's not something I get to witness everyday after all. Though I do not know how you managed to have a ring and everything."

"It's my ring," you mumble. "I carry it around with me because it's special; reminds me that I can lose everything that I hold close to me in a second."

Jungkook looks at you, worried. He rubs your shoulder and responds, "I don't know what you've actually been through, Y/N. But whatever it is, the fact that you are sitting by my side, standing with me as we fight criminals, tells me that even if you lose the whole world, you'll still keep yourself safe and that's a virtue." His eyes turn crescent moon-like as he smiles stupidly at you. "Do you randomly spill out Aristotle?"

"I made up the quote," you laugh. "I haven't read Aristotle since high school."

He looks at you, his eyes wide and his face amused, "Who reads Aristotle in high school?"

"Nerdy girls who just wanted their English Literature professor to fall in love with them," you ease and Jungkook laughs hard, holding his stomach tightly.

"I don't even want to imagine you like that, so spare me."

"Hey!" You draw Jungkook's attention as you look at a black SUV with tinted windows that pulls up a little ahead of you. It flashes its light twice and you nod. "That's our guy."

"And that was my cue," Jungkook tells, turning around in his seat to take a brown suitcase. He exits his car and walks towards the SUV after dialing your number on his phone and shoving it into his pocket. You can hear Jungkook's voice boom through the speakers of your phone as he tells the man in the car who hasn't pulled his window down yet, "I've got the money just as you asked."

The black SUV idles for a minute and you watch carefully, narrowing your eyes. He should be getting out. Why is he not getting out? Jungkook taps on the glass and in a minute, it revs its engine and speeds forward. Jungkook stumbles to the right and the car flies right past him. You swear under your breath as you quickly jump from the passenger seat to the driver seat, your boot heels kicking the dashboard and the gear stick hitting your coccygeal tail, emitting a whine from you, but you thank Jungkook in your mind for leaving the key right there.

You ignite the engine and step on the gas as hard as you can. You slow down when you reach Jungkook, stepping on the gas so hard that the rubbers screech against the tar of the road and you open the car door — your eyes still fixated on the black SUV — and yelling, "Get in quickly!"

Jungkook jumps in and you press on the gas even before he shuts the door completely, your eyes only fixed on the SUV that seems to be getting away. Jungkook, quickly reaches to open the dashboard, pulling out the siren and putting it on top of the car as he stretches his hands upwards through the open window. You follow the SUV through the tight, busy streets of San Francisco. A taxi swerves out of your way luckily and you mumble, "Fuck off."

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