15 :: mahogany red

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Jungkook lets you wear his clothes. Like officially. You are seated on his bed, whining, "We don't have enough time to go to my hotel and now my shoulder aches all because of you. Compensate."

"What do you want me to do?" He laughs, turning to see you in his shirt as he buttons his work shirt.

"It's simple," you raise your hand. "Let me wear your shirt to work."

For someone who wanted a one night stand, you were asking for too much intimacy but that makes it all the more convincing to Jungkook that you could have your thoughts changed with a little persuasion.

"It's going to be awfully big for you, Y/N," he informs you and you laugh, walking into the hall room to take the clothes that Jungkook had so nicely folded early this morning.

"I don't know, sir," you roll your eyes, throwing the clothes on the bed, careful to not mess it up either. "I would have definitely been able to go back to my room if only you didn't fall asleep."

"Fine," his mouth opens as his jaw drops at your insistence, slightly smiling to himself after that. "Do what you have to do.”

You sit back on the bed, laughing loudly, "It's a win-win situation for you and I, Jungkook. You like seeing me in your clothes."

"Exactly why I think this is a bad idea," he pouts and you find it adorable. "I need to stay focused on my work."

You laugh again, raising your hands on defense, "Oh, you will. You're a supercop," wearing your leather pants and styling your fashion so as to look presentable and pretty in his shirt.

"I'm a detective," he groans, only to snuggle into your hold ignoring your soft protests that turn into giggles. 

Yeah, he would love to get used to this.


A little while later, you and Jungkook stroll through the upscale neighborhood of Pacific Heights. He parks his car in a nice open parking lot and you're amused by the very facility of an open parking lot in the neighborhood.

Jungkook's face turns scornful as he looks around, mumbling, "I've been to real shady places, Y/N. Like drug cartels and mafia rings but good lord, nothing makes me as uneasy as this place does. Now why do you think that is, profiler?"

"Uh," you look at him, your eyebrows furrowing together, "A class bias borne out of blue collar frustration?"

He chuckles, "Right. Sure." He walks ahead, looking around at the buildings. "So we figured our killer has to live in one of the houses along East Beach which narrows it down to these fifteen houses."

"Jungkook," you stop him. "Unfortunately, we don't have a warrant. Hell, we aren't even supposed to be investigating this." You frown clearly. "So where do we even begin?"

Jungkook looks around and sees a white expensive car in front of one of the houses. A realtor steps out from the car and adjusts the 'For Sale' sign.

"Follow my lead, okay?"

And he pulls you by your wrists, dragging you with him and you gasp. He interlocks his fingers with yours as he approaches the realtor, unaware of your blush and your flustered expression.

"Excuse me, Miss," he calls out for the woman. "Might we have some of your time, please?"

The woman turns to look at the two of you, her eyes falling on your locked hands and smiling happily. Jungkook continues, "I'm Jeon Jungkook and this is my wife, Y/N. We're looking to buy a house in this neighborhood."

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