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"Alert the town! Pirates!!"


    "Welcome... To the town of celebration-- Whiskey Peak!!" The townsfolk yelled at us. We had just reached our first island in the Grandline: Whiskey Peak. We were being welcomed as heroes by the townsfolk, usually, people hated pirates. Weird. The Merry settled beside the shore and we exited the boat to go greet the townsfolk.

    "Err... Mi-mi-mi-mi-mi! Welcome. My name is Igarappoi." A very curly-headed man greeted us. "No doubt this all comes as a surprise to you. This is whiskey peak, a bustling town of ale brewing and music. We pride ourselves on our hospitality. We're proud of our ale and have an ocean of it. We'd love to hear tales of your adventures. Would you be so kind as to join... mi-mi-mi! A celebration in your honour!?"

    "You bet we would!!" Sanji, Luffy, Usopp and I yelled, arms slung over each other's shoulders happily.

    "Say, how long will it take to log this island?" Nami asked politely,

    "Log? Please set aside such trivial matters! Rest from your travels!" Igara-curl told Nami and slung an arm around her. "All right, everyone! Prepare for the festivities! Let us pay tribute to the adventurers!"

    Later that evening as the sun went down on Whiskey Peak everyone partied, and as the moon rose over the cactus-like mountains the revelry heated up. Usopp told the eager townsfolk all about the adventures of the great 'Captain Usopp.' Nami, Zoro and I were neck in neck at a big drinking contest, Sanji was flirting with 20 ladies at once and Luffy was stuffing himself full with meat.

Zoro just downed his 10th drink, Nami was on her 12th and I just finished my 16th. I was going to crush my crewmates, after all the drinking I did in the Red-Haired pirates I was almost immune to alcohol.

Zoro's head hit the table just as he started his 14th drink and Nami was currently drinking against a nun. Her head also fell as she finished off her 16th drink, Luffy was fast asleep, his belly was overflowing with food. Usopp had tired himself out from all his storytelling and was also asleep, Sanji had fallen asleep on a pretty woman's lap. I looked up from my 22nd drink and eyed Igara-curly with boldness.

    "If you're waiting for me to pass out from all this alcohol then you have another thing coming," I told Igara-curly and chugged my glass,

    "After all that alcohol you should take a good rest," he told me and I yawned loudly.

    "That's a good idea!" I said tiredly and laid down on a nearby couch, "just a quick nap should do." I felt sleep start to overcome me and I succumbed to the sweat abyss.


    "Sorry but... would you let them sleep a while longer? They are quite tired from their voyage!" I spoke down to Igara-curly and his friends. I held Excalibur in my right hand and pointed it down at them, beside me on the roof was Zoro.

    "Mr. 8. Ms. Monday! Two of them got away!"

    "You, but I saw you two pass out!" Igara-curly yelled at us.

    "A true swordsman... never drink themselves into a stupor!!" Zoro yelled down at them, he held one of his swords out at them.

    "A den of bounty hunters can be a very dangerous place," I told them,

    "You trick pirates into celebrating their passage on the Grandline!" Zoro explained,

    "Looks to be about a hundred bounty hunters!!" I smirked,

    "We'll take you on, Baroque Works!!" Zoro declared,


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