Trick ass butlers are easy opponents!

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The five of us all waited at the landing beach. We had set up a bunch of traps and were ready for the attack. "Hey guys, I hear a noise..." Nami trailed off, that's when Usopp realized we were at the wrong beach. Usopp took off towards the North beach, Luffy went a completely different direction. Nami and Zoro both slipped down the fresh path of oil we set up. Nami climbed over Zoro and started running to go rescue her treasure. As she ran past me she bumped into me and I went head over heels down the slip-n-slide. I crashed into Zoro and we both went down.

"Ah shit, Zoro I'm sorry!" I apologized and he grunted and we both stood up.

"It's ok, we just gotta hurry!" He tried to run up the hill and slipped back quickly. After I watched him try another hundred times I realized I knew what to do.

"Zoro, hold onto me. I got an idea!" I commanded and he grabbed onto my arm. I closed my eyes and focused. My torsos and legs turned into energy and Zoro and I rose into the air at a fast pace. He freaked out but didn't let go. I angled our bodies and flew towards the north beach. Down below us, I could see a certain rubber man ripping apart the forest to try and get to the beach. "Luffy, grab onto me!" I yelled down at him. The rubber man looked up at me and his eyes became sparkles,

"SUGAI!!" He yelled and stretched out his right arm towards me. He wrapped it around my body and sprung up to Zoro and I. Now, I had both men gripping onto me for dear life. We sped over the forest and village towards the north beach. I could hear the sound of swords and guns below. A huge number of the ragtag pirates charged up the beach landing and past Usopp and Nami. we needed to stop them or they would hit the village. A exhaled a long breath,

"Hold on tight," I asked and both Zoro and Luffy tightened their death hold around me. We dropped. Right before we would crash into the ground I froze our progress. Slowly we touched the ground. Zoro and Luffy both waited a moment to let go of me, they both were feeling a lot of adrenaline from flying. I lowered myself slightly, bent my knees and leaned forwards, my arms out. Zoro took out his swords and Luffy wound up his arm. "I'll take the middle." I held out my right arm, "Saint Bernard's Hunt" A dog-shaped energy beam charged towards the weak pirates and blasted and burned them. I looked at Zoro and Luffy and they both took out their opponents already.

"Well, that was easy," Zoro grumbled and Luffy sighed loudly in acknowledgement.

"I didn't realize you guys were that strong!" Usopp said surprised,

"What took you three so long, stop for a manicure?" Nami asked unaffected.

"YOU LEFT ME STRANDED IN THAT QUAGMIRE!" Zoro shouted and Nami waved dismissively.

"And you knocked me down that quagmire!" I added angrily, Nami gave me a look.

"Pretty sure you just tripped," she said and I gave her a surprised-Pikachu look. "You are easily the most clumsy person I have ever met!"

"Am not!" I declared, "when have I ever tripped??" All my friends scoffed.

"You fell into Nami's boobs once," Zoro offered.

"You fell when we first met, there was literally nothing for you to trip over," Nami added.

"You even tripped over yourself at Kaya's mansion," Usopp stated,

"Shishishsihisi didn't you trip off a sky island before you met!" Luffy betrayed me, the other three shot me looks.

"Traitors, traitors all of you!" I declared and turned away from them grumpily.

"Er, pardon me. Please tell me how these three children bested the lot of you?" Chinstrap asked from the bottom of the beach. Chinstrap proceeded to pull out a hypnotism tool and hypnotize all his men to make them stronger. They charged towards us and Usopp and Nami quickly moved out of the way.

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