I didn't know grass could blush!!

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The little dingy rocked gently in the water. I sat back against the front of the boat. Both Luffy and Koby were paddling beside each other. "So Koby, what do you want to do with your life?" I asked innocently, already suspecting the answer.

"I-I wanna join the Navy!" Koby proudly declared, Luffy started to encourage Koby and I dipped my hand into the water. "But Luffy, if you are going to the One Piece... that means that you'll have to enter the Grand Line." Luffy replied with a 'yup' and Koby continued on. "They call it the Pirates Graveyard!"

"That's why I'm assembling a super crew. I already got Tahlia after all!" Luffy explained and my face broke into a smile at his words. "That guy imprisoned at the Navy base... what's his name?"

"Roronoa Zoro!" Koby responded Luffy nodded his head thoughtfully,

"If he's a good guy I'll let him join my crew." Luffy boldly declared. Koby broke into a panic and tried to tell the stubborn rubber man how much of a demonic beast this Zoro fellow was. Unfortunately, Luffy wasn't listening and I fell asleep.


I trailed after Koby and Luffy, my arms were tucked behind my head nonchalantly. A gust of wind ruffled my red hair and my stomach rumbled, "I'm hungry" I whined and slumped on Luffy's back. "Carry me, Luff, I have no strength!" I declared weakly before burying my face in Luffy's neck. Luffy let out a hearty laugh and carried me on his back easily though his face was stained pink for whatever reason. After what seemed like an eternity the trio reached a restaurant called 'Food Foo' Koby picked out a table and Luffy gently placed me on the chair beside him. Immediately I face planted and my stomach let out an angry growl.

"We need lots of food, fast!" Koby screeched as Luffy also face planted on the table. A matter of minutes went by before dozens of plates carrying hot meals rushed out. Luffy and I both lifted themselves off the table before scarfing down everything. Koby just sat there in shock, his jaw on the floor and eyes bulging. His two new friends were monsters.

Perfectly on time Luffy and I let out happy sighs before leaning back in our respective chairs. "Well Koby, I guess this is where we go our separate ways. I hope you join the navy and become a great sailor!" Luffy stated Koby's face went red in embarrassment.

"Th-thank you Luffy and Tahlia! I hope you two become great pirates." Koby replied and I hummed in response. "Even if that means we will be enemies." Luffy started asking about Roronoa Zoro and the restaurant freaked out. Koby swiftly warned Luffy about mentioning that name too loud. The small boy then mentioned how the captain or the Navy base was Captain Morgan and the restaurant went into a complete panic. Koby paid the (hefty) bill and the trio exited the building.

"What a lively restaurant, I would like to return there some time," Luffy announced and I gazed up at the massive Navy base that stretched in front of them. "Wow, it's so big!"

"Oh look, I see someone," I pointed out, I had just climbed up the wall and stared down at a man tied to a post. Koby and Luffy joined me and Koby started shaking badly.

"Those clothes and bandana, that's definitely the Pirate Hunter Zoro!" Koby fell back while sweating profusely, his eyes dilated and remained unfocused. "He looks so menacing!"

"So that's him... hmm I could just untie those ropes and set him free." Luffy murmured to himself and I gave him an encouraging (and devious) grin. Koby started a long rant about how suicidal that was but the two pirates paid him no heed.

"Hey kid," the Pirate Hunter called out to Luffy, "come over here and untie me. I've been here for nine days and can't take it anymore." My mouth curved up slightly.

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