Golden eyes and pink cheeks...

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I returned to the table and sat down casually, Zoro looked up immediately. "What was that all about? You leaving and then that stupid love cook followed you." Zoro barked out, I whistled at him.

"Are you jealous or something...?" I asked with a teasing smile. He growled at me. "Are you an animal or something?" I laughed and my head felt light by the time I stopped.

"What are you saying?" He questioned lowly,

"You constantly growling whenever another person flirts with me or vice versa!" I explained. Zoro just smiled a bit and grumbled under his breath. I resumed my meal and hummed happily. Nami and Usopp just laughed at mine and Zoro's behaviour.


Two days later we relaxed and ate amazing food. Everything was right. Until screams resonated throughout the restaurant. "IT'S DON KRIEG'S PIRATE SHIP!!!" The customers were freaking out, panicking and running everywhere. We all ran to see, the ship was in ruins. It looked like they entered the Grandline and got their asses whopped by someone really powerful. A Warlord maybe? The man from before came in holding a big man who looked awful. He begged for food for his captain. The cooks seemed afraid of giving him food but Sanji being the gentleman he was said how any person that was hungry deserved food. My mouth upturned at that. The big man got fed and then proceeded to betray them.

"My ship's a wreck. I need a new one. When I'm finished with you, I'll dump you." The big man declared. He commanded the chefs to make his crew food. Some other chefs named Patty went to attack the big man and got himself beat. Sanji went up to the big man when he got slammed to the ground. The man from before tried to stop his captain but the big man grabbed his shoulder painfully and threw him to the ground. The big man told us about the state of his crew and how they needed food.

"IT'S AN ORDER. DO NOT DEFY ME!!!" The big man yelled out and I burst into laughter.

"You really think you can order us around and beat us??" I snickered at him, "you're some no-name pirate that got his ass beat in the Grandline..." The man gave me a condescending look,

"And who might you be girly??" He sneered at me.

"Rouge D. Tahlia at your service," I said with a wink. His face went white as paper.

"As in the former first mate of 'Red Haired' Shanks and his daughter and Dracu--" The big man started.

"Uh uh uh," I stopped him. "That's all they need to know sweetheart" I warned him and he gulped.

"What was he gonna say Tahlia?" Luffy asked cheerfully,

"I don't feel like telling you guys yet..." I answered,

"Ok!" Luffy chimed, "take your time!"

"Hey Sanji," I went up to him and held out a hand. "You ok?" He took my hand and I pulled him up. He gave me a tight smile and started towards the kitchen.

"Where are you going Sanji!?" Patty yelled at him.

"The kitchen of course. We've got a hundred meals to prepare." Sanji told them and took a puff of his cigarette. Everyone was shocked, I smirked at him. His fellow chefs all pointed guns at him. They got mad at him and asked him if he was the big guy's dog. Sanji explained how feeding good guys or bad guys were too complicated and anyone who was hungry deserved food. "What's the problem?" His fellow chef Patty attacked him and hit him over the head. The other chefs held him down. Patty went to attack the big guy with a massive gun, the big guy wasn't affected though. He wore thick armour that protected him. The chefs ran at him to attack him,

"INSOLENCE!!!" He yelled and filled the chefs full of bullets. "If I tell you to prepare... you'll shut up and do it!! NO ONE DEFIES ME!!" The man who I now knew as Don Kreig screamed. It's like he forgot he was shaking like a leaf because of me not even five minutes ago.

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