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So i havent been updating at all and i'm here to give you an explanation! TwT

When online school started I found it difficult because I knew I had to complete all my work so I could keep my grades up but I also knew how easy it would be to just skip the meetings and play games all day.

So with that in mind I found it hard to complete most of my school work. Sometimes during the meetings I'd get so bored that I'd just go to youtube and watch videos through the whole meeting because I already knew everything we were doing.

My cousin is into the fnaf fandom and I used to be VERY into it so I started watching Game theories on fnaf and then fnaf started showing up in my recommendation section and I just started to fall out of the undertale fandom.

Soon enough I was procrastinating to do all my school work and that lead onto not wanting to update my books anymore. I then game up with the totally brilliant idea of playing the sims 4 again (OHHHH BOY) Soon enough I was addicted to playing the sims (Seriously I started with one sim and like a week later I had played through like five generations of it- OH and we bought a ton of expansion packs-) I stopped going on wattpad and honestly kinda forgot it existed (Whoops)

Then I got an undertale recommendation on youtube and I was sucked right back in-
I started watching a bunch more undertale videos and stuff still almost completely forgetting about wattpad. My totally brilliant internet decided to take a vacation from existance for like a week and my mom bought me data...

Wattpad was suddenly top priority and the first thing i did was look at all my notifications- (There was way to many o-o)
I started to read a bunch of fanfics and now i think its safe to say I can exist on this app once more ÙwÚ

I know this isn't an excuse for not updating and stuff but when i dont want to do something you CAN NOT make me do it

Unless you a certain cousin of mine or my angry mom and dad (Cousin you know who you are if you're reading this)


Tomorrow is mah birthday- and parents put me in my room at 9:30 (its currently 11:36pm for me) because they're decorating T^T

So ima give yall a gift

A bunch of pics (Sorry that i cant do better at the moment- ;-;)

On the left you can see hiccup getting ready to kill toothless Ú~Ù on the right you can see the exact same thing but improved massivly and drawn by yours truly at the age of like 6 or 7-

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On the left you can see hiccup getting ready to kill toothless Ú~Ù on the right you can see the exact same thing but improved massivly and drawn by yours truly at the age of like 6 or 7-

On the left you can see hiccup getting ready to kill toothless Ú~Ù on the right you can see the exact same thing but improved massivly and drawn by yours truly at the age of like 6 or 7-

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In this picture you can see the true definition of evil O^O

In this picture you can see my reaction when I'm typing 'LOL OML SO FUNNY I CANT STOP LAUGHING IM DYING OMG LOL LOLOLLOLOLLOLOLOL' (For clarification this is not my face when I reply to your comments, they actually do make me laugh UwU)

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In this picture you can see my reaction when I'm typing 'LOL OML SO FUNNY I CANT STOP LAUGHING IM DYING OMG LOL LOLOLLOLOLLOLOLOL' (For clarification this is not my face when I reply to your comments, they actually do make me laugh UwU)

In this picture you can see my reaction when I'm typing 'LOL OML SO FUNNY I CANT STOP LAUGHING IM DYING OMG LOL LOLOLLOLOLLOLOLOL' (For clarification this is not my face when I reply to your comments, they actually do make me laugh UwU)

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This is pure godly material.

This is my face when a REALLY good book or video suddenly adds an OC

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This is my face when a REALLY good book or video suddenly adds an OC..

(For me it kinda justs ruins it.. its like Ep.1'Yes lemme place in all these characters that people know! :D' Ep.37'Oh btw this girl is somehow Nightmare and dreams neice and she has positivity and negativity powers! Oh and by the way shes unbeatable and the plot is gonna be dependant on her being here C:' not trying to hate on anyone, just for me personally its kinda annoying especially when they start shipping the oc with a character- Ep.76' *Oc proceeds to smooch with ink* *Error becomes depressed and heart broken Ú^Ù* oC?? wIlL yOu Be MaH bOy/gIrLFrIeNd???? OH MI GOSH YES OF COURSE INK, I OC THE NEICE OF NIGHTMARE AND DREAM, THE MOST POWERFUL BEING IN THIS UNIVERSE WILL BE YOUR BOY/GIRLFRIEND!!' Sorry if im ranting or if your offended by this- I might just have an unpopular oppinion but whatever TwT)

76' *Oc proceeds to smooch with ink* *Error becomes depressed and heart broken Ú^Ù* oC?? wIlL yOu Be MaH bOy/gIrLFrIeNd???? OH MI GOSH YES OF COURSE INK, I OC THE NEICE OF NIGHTMARE AND DREAM, THE MOST POWERFUL BEING IN THIS UNIVERSE WILL BE YOUR ...

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Okie dokie thats it



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