2 Year Old Error In A Nutshell

218 7 38

Me: sO uH these are gonna be le characters ages for this shizz

Nightmare is iDk 20 sOmThIn'

Same with Cross because i said so and


Killer is-

Oh jez this is hard-

Killer can be °~°


Same with Dust and Horror cuz am lazy

And qe all know Error is two cuz of le title

Onto Le Story

Nightmare: Hey Error let go hit the gym!

Error: Uh, who is Jim and what did he ever do to you?

What are these people doing? -.-

Big Epic Flash And Error Is Somehow At A Gym

Error: All these people running, and not getting anywhere!


Do you know what yoga is?

It's hineys in your face


Everybodys so sweaty.

The teacher says it spiritual, I think i can sMeLl the spiritual.

People everywhere, bettering themselves!

I thought, you cant get better than this...

Random dude: i can bench 200!

Error: whatever

I can sit on a bench longer than that,

Like who are these people, why are they so motivated!?

I dont know...

Im happy for them.

Charles says the gym makes beef cakes.

Well than

Im a vegetarian:)

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